If you didn’t see my full Foodie Pro theme review, running this theme requires a self-hosted WordPress site (I have 5-minute Bluehost setup guide here if that’s more helpful) and the Foodie Pro child theme for Genesis (sold as a set here).
Links to the few services and tools mentioned are affiliate links. We only recommend brands we use and trust and using our links helps support what we do. Thanks.
Installing Foodie Pro (Basic Setup and Plugins)
By default, you have the ability to install some plugins automatically. For ease, I’d suggest going that route. However, if want to install them separately, here they are:
Genesis Latest Tweets (probably the least necessary)
Genesis Responsive Slider (if you intend to use the slider feature on on your homepage)
Genesis eNews Extended (highly recommended for newsletter service – full tutorial below)
Simple Social Icons (great default for social icons on Foodie Pro)
Upload a Custom Retina-Ready Logo
Ideally, resize your logo before uploading. The ideal logo would be a 800 x 340px.
Using .png files are preferred (as you can use a transparent background), but .jpegs would also work well.
Setting Up Your Menu
How to add a menu and organize it to work with the Foodie Pro theme.
Recommended Genesis and WordPress Settings
A walkthrough of the Genesis side of your new theme and how you can take advantage of its power. I cover my recommendation for installing Google Analytics, how to change your Site Title, and where to change your Permalinks (the way your page urls are defined).
Setting Up Your Home Page
Pagination on the Home Page
If you setup your pagination like I do, you can add the following code to a text widget on your homepage:
<div align="right"><a href="http://yoursite.com/blog/page/2/">See More →</a></div>
How to Setup Your Recipe Page and Recipe Archives
How the Foodie Pro theme is setup to display a recipe gallery connected to category galleries. Plus, a slick way to add an “all recipes” section to your recipe page.
Utilizing the Customization Function
Foodie Pro uses slick a customization feature built-in to WordPress. This allows you to easily change fonts, colors, and other display settings of your site.
About Me in Sidebar
How to install an “about me” area in your sidebar using the built-in functionality from Genesis and Foodie Pro. If you’d like to use a link the way I did in the tutorial, you can copy this code:
<p><a href="http://twitter.com/jshltz">Find Me on Twitter!</a></p>
Installing Social Media Icons
Using Foodie Pro’s formatting and the Simple Social Icons plugin, you can easily add social media icons to your sidebar and footer. Colors I used in this tutorial:
Background: #fff
Background Hover: #fff
Font color: #333
Hover color: #666
eNews Extended Widget Setup
Take advantage of Foodie Pro’s built-in styling to add an email address collector on your site. This can be used to install the eNews Widget at the top of your site or in your sidebar.
This tutorial includes instructions for using Mailchimp or Feedburner.
Easy Recipe Plugin Setup
Instructions on setting up the Easy Recipe Plugin (Free version)
Changing the Background Color in the Dropdown Menu
To change the menu dropdown color, find the following section of code in your stylesheet:
.genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu a:hover,
.genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu .current-menu-item > a:hover {
color: #fff;
background: #010101;
To copy my example, change color to #333 and the background to #ccc
Removing Lines Surrounding Menu
To remove the lines surrounding your menu, find the following area of code in your stylesheet:
.genesis-nav-menu {
border-bottom: 1px solid #777;
border-top: 1px solid #777;
clear: both;
font-size: .001px;
letter-spacing: 2px;
line-height: 1;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
And simply delete the “border-bottom” and “border-top” lines entirely.
To remove the lines on the mobile version of the menu, find the following area of code in your stylesheet (under the section that starts with “@media only screen and (max-width: 940px)”):
.menu-toggle {
background: transparent;
border-top: 1px solid #777777;
border-bottom: 1px solid #777777;
cursor: pointer;
min-height: 52px;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
And simply delete the “border-top” and “border-bottom” lines entirely.
Genesis Simple Edits
This tutorial walks you through installing and using the Genesis Simple Edits Plugin. It’s a great way to change your footer or make breadcrumb adjustments without getting into the code.
Installing a Custom Favicon
*I’d recommend using a ftp client if at all possible to follow this tutorial (rather than going to appearance – editor). You can find your functions.php file inside of your theme folder on your WordPress site. If you don’t want to do this, please backup your site first.
You know that heart thing up in your browser? Yeah, you can make a custom image to brand with your site!
To easily change your .png to an .ico, you can use Convertico.
To grab the code used in the tutorial, use this tutorial.
Genesis and Foodie Pro
Just to clarify, you can find my full Foodie Pro theme review here.
Using this theme requires a self-hosted WordPress site (I’d recommend and use Bluehost). Foodie Pro is a child theme for Genesis (sold as a set here).
Why isn’t my site showing up correctly?
It’s likely one of the settings you are using are different than what I’m recommending above. Try double checking your settings and scanning the comments for similar problems.
How can I change my footer / post info?
Check out the Genesis Simple Edits Plugin
My images aren’t pulling the right sizes, what should I do?
Assuming you had uploaded images before installing the Foodie theme, it’s likely your image sizes are showing up incorrectly because they proper featured images sizes weren’t generated. The easiest solution is installing and running the Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin.
Where is the Genesis Featured Posts Widget?
It’s been replaced by the “Foodie Pro – Featured Posts” widget which is builtin to the theme directly!
How do I add my featured images to show at the top of all my posts?
Add this to your function.php file:
/* Display Featured Image Under Title of Single Posts */
add_action( 'genesis_entry_header', 'featured_post_image', 12 );
function featured_post_image() {
if ( ! is_singular( 'post' ) ) return;
How do I add a contact from to my site?
I’d start by searching the plugin directory, but Contact Form 7 is a pretty decent go-to.
How do I do what you did on your site?
I really like helping other people find the resources they need, but the reality is that we have customized a lot of things on our website and it took a lot of time. This tutorial is setup to help you setup and make Foodie Pro work really well.
Checking out the StudioPress snippets, googling for other helpful articles on Genesis tutorials and scanning the StudioPress support forum are great ways to learn how to add more functionality to your site.
Where are my categories located?
Categories are located under Posts -> Categories.
How do I delete the “You may use these HTML tags and attributes:” showing in my comments section?
Adding this to your functions.php file should do the trick:
//* Customize Comment Form Allowed Tags
add_filter( 'comment_form_defaults', 'custom_comment_form' );
function custom_comment_form($fields) {
$fields['comment_notes_after'] = ''; //Removes Form Allowed Tags Box
return $fields;
How can I make an “About Me” more customized than the default Genesis option?
I created ours by using a little bit of HTML and a text widget. The image was made in photoshop (but any photo editing program will do) and uploaded to our media library. Using the url of where the image was located and altering the text, I placed the following code in a text widget:
<img src="http://mysite.com/sourcefile.png" />
<div style="text-align: center;">About us text goes here.<div><a href="https://minimalistbaker.com/about/" rel="nofollow">About Us →</a></div></div>
I’d like to add another category to the site, such as “DIY”, but want it displayed like the recipe pages.
To have the page display exactly like the recipe page but with different parameters will require some custom coding.
However, the easiest solution and something I think would work really well would be just creating a category page and linking directly to that page.
If you create and use a “DIY” category, you can simply apply that category to all relevant posts. That would effectively create a category page at something like http://yoursitesite.com/category/lifestyle
Then, within your menu dashboard (Appearance -> Menus), you can link directly to that category page. There’s an option to select a category in the left-hand menu.
Then, to make those posts not show on your recipe page, make sure they are not categorized in a category used with the Foodie Pro- Featured Posts widget. Just remove that category from the respective posts or categorize your widget differently and you should be set!
How can I hide my page titles?
I’d recommend the Genesis Title Toggle plugin.
How can I show related posts on my posts?
I added our related posts by manually coding in the functionality. You can probably do the same by searching for Genesis related posts code and adding a few lines to your functions.php file and some CSS for styling. I think I started with this article and this article.
However, easier alternatives would be using one of the related posts plugins or a service that does this for you. The plugin would be preferable as you could keep your data on your site, but some hosts don’t allow the functionality required to run these plugins properly. If you install something like Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, you can hopefully drag the widget into the “after post” widget area.
Alternatively, especially if your host doesn’t allow these plugins, you could use a 3rd party plugin. I’d guess your best bet is using Jetpack, but it’d also be worth checking out Rverb, nRelate, and similar services. These sites offload the searching for related posts to another server and then relay that information back into your site.
Which plugin did you use to…?
I’m always testing and changing plugins, but I keep a running list of WordPress plugins here!
Can I embed videos with a Foodie Pro site?
Yes! This is more of a WordPress feature than a Foodie Pro feature, but embedding videos works fine with Foodie Pro.
How can I add (special functionality) to my site?
The best place to start is scanning the WordPress plugin directory. There are literally thousands of plugins that offer great support for WordPress sites. This is one of the best parts of being on WordPress.
Further, just googling “‘action you want to add to your website’ Genesis” yields a great community with amazing tutorials to help you make your site better.
HALP! (yes, HALP!) My site is blank after changing some code!
This is likely just a missed comma or incomplete code phrase and can easily be fixed/reversed by logging to your site via an ftp client or you can contact your host. Either way, it’s a minor issue and your site content (posts, etc.) are all still there.
Support & Resources
Need Customized Support? Check out Codeable!
Questions / Tutorial Suggestions?
I’ve turned off comments as I think we’ve answered most of the important details and the other support resources can probably help you out more specifically.
If you think I missed something or should look into it (or you want to show me your slick new site), reach out to me on twitter!
Sorry, I’m unable to help with the theme support via email and I’m not accepting freelance work.
If you’re looking for customized support, check out Codeable.
Hey friends!
I’m closing the comments and adding two new resources to the the article based on the amazing feedback you’ve all given: FAQ and Support. These should answer 99% of questions and provide other resources for more help.
I can’t provide support via email, but if you think I should notice something else, reach out to me on twitter!
Sorry, but I cannot offer support via email and am not looking for freelance opportunities.
If you’re looking for customized support, check out Codeable.
However, I have lots more resources published here soon!
Sharee says
Hello! Hope all is well! For the life of me I cannot get my most recent posts to show up on the home page. It shows the ones from may 4th but not may 11th.. I made sure the settings are blog posts in reading and on the foodie pro widget most recent post is set. Is there some code or something I am missing? thanks for all you do!
That doesn’t sound like something with the code, but maybe your offset number is incorrect? Or possibly check your settings in Settings -> Reading
The settings above should work to display your most recent posts, so I’d just double check your settings.
Margo says
Thanks John for your incredible videos! They have helped me so much in getting my web site up and running…..great learning tools to go back to as needed.
Jessica DeMarra says
Hi John,
First, WOW you have made this theme a zillion times easier to install and set up. I am so not tech savvy and the videos were amazing. Slight problem with my Genesis Featured Widget Amplified; I installed the plug in and activated it but it is not showing up on my widget page so I can’t transfer it to my sidebar and cannot use your awesome video for my recipe index! I am probably doing something wrong here but any help would be greatly appreciated.
The widget is now builtin to Foodie and is called “Foodie Pro – Featured Posts”
Adam C. says
First of all, thank you very much for this very informative setup guide. I have gone with a lot of your recommendations and the site looks great.
I would like to know if it is possible to use a different layout (ex. 1 column vs. 2 columns), or different widgets, for the category archives or for any non-home page. Let me rephrase: is it possible without getting into too much code? lol
Reason: I used the “about me” with photo and the simple social media widgets in the sidebar of the home page. I would like to either replace them with different widgets on subsequent pages, or barring that, remove them all together and go with a 1 column layout for all but the home page.
Adam C. says
Of course, after searching for this answer on Google using “foodie pro” I removed it and found this wonderful plugin called “Display Widgets”. And it would have to be just a few minutes after posting for help, haha!
Thanks again for the wonderful tutorials!
Lindsey | Lou Lou Biscuit says
I just spent all morning using these tutorials to set up foodie pro and they were FANTASTIC! I had to google one small thing because I’m using safari on a mac and the sneaky devil unzipped my files before I could download them. It just involved unchecking “open safe files after downloading” in preferences and re-downloading the files for genesis and foodie pro.
The only thing that isn’t working smoothly is the square cropping for thumbnails. The 320 x 320 cropping option is still retaining the original shape of whatever featured image I used. So, they’re not all square. It’s bizarre, but I’m sure easy to remedy.
I can’t wait to finish these tutorials tonight after my day job. Thank you so much for putting this resource out there. I can’t believe it’s free! You saved me hours of frustration (and maybe a couple of tears). I’m grateful!
It might be worth checking out the regenerate thumbnails plugin assuming you’re referring to images that were uploaded to your site before you switched to Foodie.
alou says
Thanks John for all the tutorials, they were all helpful. I am having the same problem as Fida above I’m having issues with the Categories and Archives boxes widgets. Even if I did not put a title to the box. The box still comes out doubly titled. This is creating an issue with the alignment on the Categories, Archives and Search boxes (the search box is showing up higher than the other two). I remember it looking just like that before but then i just put a title to the search just like on your tutorial and it was fine. But now I can’t get it to look right anymore. I have removed the widgets, refresh my computer, drag them back several times and nothing has worked. Any advice on what to do? Thanks so much!
Looks like it was a conflict with WordPress 4.2. There’s some code above to correct this, but it will hopefully be corrected with a future update as well.
Michelle says
Oh My Gosh! Thank you so very much for the tutorials! I thought they were super helpful and easy to follow! You saved my hours of frustration in trying to figure things out!
kitek sood says
Hi john i want to show comment counts on posts that are in home page so how to do that please help me regarding this
That should be available as an option in the Foodie Pro – Featured Posts plugin.
Misha says
Just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you! Your videos are super clear and helpful, they were so helpful to help me get started.
May I ask you a quick question, how did you remove the copyright info on the bottom and replace bottom information with my own just like how you have it here? I tried to search for it but couldn’t find them. Strange.
Thank you!
The Genesis Simple Edits plugin mentioned above allows you to do this.
milena minichiello says
Thank you so much for all this insightful info. I have finally launched my website and with many thanks to you as I have referred to so much of your content along the way! You have covered things so clearly and effectively. Congratulations and I wish you every success! xx
robin says
Do you know how to execute a landing page after commenting? I want to re-direct people to a thank you page after they post a comment. Thanks in advance.
Fida says
Hi John,
Thank you so much for these tutorials, they have been so very helpful. However, I’m having issues with the Categories and Archives boxes widgets. Though I make sure not to title the box (since I’m using the title that is already there) the box comes out doubly titled. This is creating an issue with the alignment between the Categories, Archives and Search boxes (the search box is showing up higher than the other two). I remember it looking fine when I first set it up using your tutorial but now I can’t get it to look right anymore. I have removed the widgets, put them back several times and nothing has worked. Could you help me with this issue? Thanks so much!
alou says
Hi! i am having the same issues as you with the box doubly titled for categories and archives. Were you able to resolve the issue. Thanks!
Fida says
Hi, no unfortunately I wasn’t able to determine what the issue was. Please let me know if you find a solution. Thanks!
alou says
Hi Fida! I contacted Shay’s team. Here’s their reply. Hope it helps you too.
Regarding the duplicate widget titles, this is an issue we’ve seen with the WordPress 4.2 update. To resolve you can add this code to your style.css file:
.screen-reader-text {
position: absolute !important;
left: -999em;
Best Regards,
Fida says
Thank you so much Malou! I’ll give it a try.
Karon says
Love your tutotials so informative. I am trying to work out how to remove the dates from my posts as I can no longer blog regularly due to health problems and don’t want my site to look really out of date. I couldn’t find anything here on how to do this, though I could have missed it. Can you help please?
The Genesis Simple Edits plugin mentioned above should allow you to do this. If not, you can find a snippet to change that information on StudioPress here: http://my.studiopress.com/snippets/
Wendy McKinley says
Hi John-
How did you add the extra widget areas on the bottom of your posts page above the comments. specifically the entry-content and entry-footer. Was it a plug-in or did you modify the theme.
To do this on Foodie, you will need to modify the theme.
You can find the StudioPress snippets here: http://my.studiopress.com/snippets/
Olivia Halvorsen says
First of all, thank you SO much for these tutorials! They’re amazing! I’m all set up, but when I share a post to facebook, either it pulls an unrelated image or no image at all. Do you happen to have any thoughts on this? I would really appreciate any help!
Olivia x
Yeah, that might be something an SEO plugin or sitemap plugin causing a conflict. First, I’d try updating your plugin and WordPress installation, just to make sure that isn’t the cause. If that doesn’t work, I’d try to deactivate plugins that might be causing the issue and test from there.
Emily says
Hey there!
I’ve been working on a new blog (not live yet) and your tutorials have been God sent – seriously!
I have one question – I’m trying to adjust the settings for my category pages with little luck. For example, when I click on “All 30 Minute Or Less Recipes” on your website it takes me to a page depicting ALL of your recipes tagged with that specific category. The only difference between my category page and yours is that yours is a lot prettier. How did you format that page? Your recipe title is displayed AFTER the image .. which creates a nice clean line. I’m stuck with the title above the image and a wonky display. Any suggestions? Do I have to get into the code at all?
I apologize if you have answered this before. I tried going through some comments to see if I could track down the answer first. Any advice you have would be awesome!
Emily says
I figured it out!!! YAY for me! Anyone else reading this you go to Appearance > Customize > Content Archives.
Heather R. says
Hey John!
Thanks for all the helpful tutorials! I am essentially clueless on wordpress blogging techy stuff, and loved having your videos to get me started. I haven’t gone live yet with my food blog as I wanted to have everything in its place before.
One question that I have: I have my top menu set up. One of my menus is called Recipes. I then have 4 submenus (Shakes, Breakfast, Main Course, and Sweet Treats) as a drop down menu of the Recipes. When I hover over Recipes, I can then click on one of my submenus. However, the page takes me to a new page, that then lists all Submenus with lines separating each title and will allow for pictures in each category. I was hoping my reader could hover on Recipe, then click on Breakfast, and then be routed to a page that only displayed breakfast recipes. How can I do this with the Foodie Pro theme. I feel as if I have watched all of your videos at least twice trying to figure this part out! :)
Because my site isn’t live, I thought I could explain what I mean by referring to the FoodiePro sample page. http://shaybocks.co/foodiepro/layouts/ssc/#
When you hover on Shay’s Page Layout Menu she has a drop down. You can then click the submenu and be taken to a whole new page (that doesn’t list all of the other submenus once you get to the new page).
Does that make sense? HAHA
Once you create a new page, you can link to it directly using the menus dashboard (Appearance – Menu).
However, in your case, I’d think linking to a category page (available in the menus dashboard as well) would probably setup what your trying to do even faster.
Either way, it sounds like you can make your changes in that menu and my video above should help. If I’m missing your question, feel free to let me know!
Linda Fitzpatrick says
Hi John,
Thank you for being so generous with your tutorials! I’m a Genesis Junkie. I was looking at recipe plugins, as my daughter has a lifestyle blog, and I was thinking of putting some of my own recipes out there too.
You very honestly say Easy Recipe isn’t your favorite plugin. I’m currently pedaling through testing a few great ones, but they all seem associated with large recipe sites, which concerns me about ownership, so I’m now looking at Easy Recipe. Am I correct that doesn’t post or connect to any external recipe site?
Which leads to loads more questions, where does nutri data load from, where are reviews pulled from etc! I’ll just go install and test :-)
I actually think this plugin wouldn’t lack that much if it had a portion size and/or metrics conversion in the posts.
The plugin doesn’t necessary lack much in terms of functionality, but I dislike how clunky the code is. This has caused it to occasionally glitch and I’ve had some frustrations making it work well or getting support when I found errors and problems. However, it’s what we are using and I haven’t found a better alternative.
All the data is kept on your site, including the ratings. Nutrition data is manually entered and it doesn’t calculate that for you.
linda fitzpatrick says
Thanks John.
Dearna says
Hi John,
Love all the the posts and videos you have put together for the Foodie theme, very informative and thorough. I just went to purchase the theme via your link however when I click on “Create an account…” button at https://my.studiopress.com/checkout/?product_id=180051 after filling in my details nothing happens. It looks to be a deadlink as no URL appears in the bottom left of screen as it does for all the other links on the page. I have emailed Studio Press about it but just letting you know too :)
A question related to the theme – I have been watching the videos to get an idea of what is possible and how everything ties together before I install and configure the theme for my site. I want the homepage for my site to have the current post in the top section, recent posts in the middle, and down the bottom to have three ‘sticky’ images which will remain the same and will link through to other sections of my site. To do this last part, would the easiest way just be to use ‘Home Bottom’ section and insert the Text widget with an html link to the image with an embedded hyperlink to the required page?
Thanks again for all the info, you’ve done such a great job putting it all together!
I checked the link and am guessing it was just a glitch on their site. Thanks for the heads up though.
Yeah, using a text widget in the home bottom section is probably the most direct solution. The hardest part about that, however, would be that you will likely need to make a little CSS to make it display in a way you like.
An easy alternative would be still using the Foodie Pro – Featured Posts widget, but create a new category (such as “home bottom features”) and then simply apply that category to the three posts that you want to display. Then, on the widget, you can have it only show that special category.
If you’re looking to link to something other than posts, a text widget would probably be the best route.
Shanna says
Hi John,
Just wondering – if I was to set up my E-Newsletter like you have showed in the tutorial, does that automatically assign that newsletter to the people who have already signed up through my WordPress sign up? I had the WP sign up since I had a .wordpress.com and was able to transfer those followers over. So that just delivers them the typical WordPress new post notification email.
I would like to not have that generic email going out at all. I would much prefer to set up an opt in type like you have shown and just have that being sent.
Thank you!
No, the services you are describing are different. My tutorial above would still require using a newsletter service (such as Mailchimp).
The easiest solution, in my opinion, would be exporting your current email subscribers and importing them into a new new list on Mailchimp (or whichever service you decide to use).
Amy says
Awesome thanks! One other question–I was able to figure out the menu dropdowns, but when I actually click on each drop down item my content appears squished into a thin column. Is there a way to fix this?
Those settings would be something you can fix with your archive page settings within your customization panel.
The Utilizing the Customization Function and the Recipe & Recipe Archive videos above show you how to change these settings.
Amy C says
Thank you for your amazing tutorials–after spending hours trying to figure it out myself, it was so helpful to find your videos. One question–how can I set up dropdowns on my main menu underneath the “Recipes” tab? I’ve added new categories to my recipe index, but I’d love to add them as a dropdown feature underneath the home page menu as well when I scroll over the Recipes tab.
I think this can be done within the menus dashboard!
Just go to appearance -> menus and you can add category pages directly to your menus!
Evelyn says
Hey There,
So, my site is all set up – new and improved. It looks good and I am excited about it overall. BUT, now that I am on WordPress.com (not the free site) I am having trouble with my images. They are not showing up as large as they used to in the body of the post, they are blurry (embarrassing!) in the body of the post, but look fine as the title image. It is a bit frustrating and I have tried to find tutorials or info, but just can’t seem to describe my problem in a search bar. Do you have any tutorials dealing specifically with images?
I am wondering if I should be manually resizing them?
I hope you can help! Love your site. Your images always look incredible!!! I do plan to buy everything in your camera bag soon =)
So, it’s hard to say without taking an extensive look at your site, but I know that migrating a site is a much bigger task than simply installing a new site.
That said, what I’d try first before manually resizing would be importing all of your external images and regenerating your thumbnails. Thankfully, two awesome plugins can help you do this.
Import External Images
Regenerate Thumbnails
Although it’s definitely with a different goal in mind, my Blogger to WordPress tutorials might help with other tips to make sure everything is fully migrated.
Hope that helps!
Shanna says
Hi John!
Thanks for your help – the one thing I can’t get to work despite following along with the tutorial a number of times is the removal of the lines surrounding my menus. I deleted exactly what you said to, a number of different times, saved it – and for some reason it just wouldn’t delete when I refreshed my screen. Is there some plugin or something I am missing?
Thank you again, so helpful – so so so appreciated!
It simply looks like the changes weren’t saved as I still see those lines of code. I would make sure you’re clicking “update file” after making your updates.
If that isn’t working, it might be worth updating the stylesheet by connecting to your site through an ftp.
If you don’t have that setup, my guess is that your host would have a tutorial on getting going. Your stylesheet file is usually located here: wp-content -> themes -> foodiepro -> style.css
Shanna says
Yeah I had removed the coding for the lines, saved the file and then when I reloaded my site the lines hadn’t disappeared. So I put the coding back in just to make sure I didn’t mess anything up. I did that a four or five times, each time the deletion of the code did not rid the site of the lines. So it must be something I ask Bluehost, then?
Thanks John!
Oh, it’s probably a caching issue then. Try removing the lines, clearing your browser’s cache, and then refreshing the site.
Shanna says
Hmmm… still no dice. It tells me it’s updated… It’s okay :) I will live with the lines for now. Thank you for trying!