The Best Gluten-Free Pizza Crust + Sauce

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Freshly baked pie of The Best Gluten-Free Pizza Ever

This time last summer our friend Laura found out she had food allergies. Not the kind that can be cured with an enzyme pill or avoidance of cheese. The kind that require eliminating half your diet. She was heartbroken for it and we were, too. We ate together all the time and the allergies imparted all kinds of complications. But after rallying our spirits we ventured to explore new and better recipes together, namely ones free of gluten since it seemed to be the main culprit in her diet.

Laura’s family has always had homemade pizza on Sunday nights – a tradition she loved then resented after she couldn’t participate. She and I both searched for gluten-free crust alternatives but always ended up with doughy, bean-flavored, less-than-memorable results. Then Laura had the brilliant idea to try her mom’s traditional crust recipe, only subbing in a gluten free flour blend in place of all purpose to keep it allergen-free.

The result – oh man – no joke, the best gluten free pizza crust I’ve ever had. She even prefers it over restaurant versions now and I nearly prefer it over GLUTEN versions at regular pizzerias! It’s that good. If you have gluten free eaters in your life you simply must try this recipe. As Nacho Libre says, “It’s the baaayyyyysst.”

Mixing wet into dry ingredients for Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Using a wooden spoon to stir amazing homemade Gluten-Free Pizza Dough

I convinced Laura to let me share her recipe and photograph her making it. So John and I joined her and her husband Ben at their place on a recent weeknight evening. We split a couple bottles of wine, made pizza and I took photos. Oh yes, and we laughed and joked. We always do. These guys are the best. Husbands watched on as the women worked. Typical ; )

John and Ben chatting and enjoying wine
Spreading Gluten-Free Pizza Crust dough onto a pizza stone
Homemade pizza crust spread onto amazing Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Adding shredded cheese to homemade Gluten-Free Pizza

We went with pepperoni for our main topping, boys’ request. The girls pizza had Daiya mozzarella shreds to keep it dairy-free, since Laura and I try to avoid dairy whenever possible. It was insanely delicious. This pizza is super, seriously. Insanely good. It’s so good, in fact, that just looking at it I want it again, RIGHT NOW.

The best part? Just 7 ingredients (with the gluten free flour blend) and about an hour from start to finish! The result? A crust that actually gets crisp on the outsides and stays a little tender on the inside. It is a bit delicate as most gluten free breads are, but certainly nothing one can’t master. I’ve watched Laura make it dozens of times now and she’s getting quite good at it. She doesn’t even need the recipe and eyeballs when something looks off.

As Shauna Niequist shares in her new book “Bread and Wine,” try a recipe once and follow it to a “t.” Try it a second time and make your own tweaks. Try it a third time by memory and it’s yours. Enjoy.

Adding pepperoni slices to a homemade pizza

Troubleshooting Tips & FAQs

Crust too crumbly or dry?

Make sure to use the blend of gluten-free flours we recommend in the notes. We can’t guarantee results with other combinations of gluten-free flours as we haven’t tried them. For tips on store-bought brands, we recommend checking the comment section to see what others have tried.

Crust too tough or hard?

Next time, try cooking it for less time and/or rolling it slightly thicker.

What’s the best way to freeze this pizza crust?

Par-bake crust 20-30 minutes, then let cool and transfer to a sealed container and store in the freezer up to 1 month.

The Best Gluten-Free Pepperoni Pizza resting on a pizza stone

What are you waiting for? Make. This. Pizza!

Laura cutting slices of pizza

More Gluten Free Pizza Crust Recipes

If you try this recipe, let us know! Leave a comment, rate it, and don’t forget to tag a photo #minimalistbaker on Instagram. Cheers, friends!

Plate and pizza stone with delicious Gluten-Free Pepperoni Pizza

Note: based on reader feedback and retesting, we reduced the pre-bake time by 5 minutes on 10/17/2021 to ensure a perfectly baked crust every time!

The Best Gluten-Free Pizza Crust + Sauce

A 7-ingredient gluten-free pizza crust that requires 1 hour from start to finish and rivals any pizzeria-style pizza crust.
Author Minimalist Baker
A whole homemade Gluten-Free Pepperoni Pizza on a big plate
4.67 from 584 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings 8 (servings)
Course Entrée
Cuisine Gluten-Free, Vegan
Freezer Friendly 1 Month (par-bake before freezing)
Does it keep? 1-2 Days


  • 1 Tbsp dry active yeast
  • 1 ¼ cup warm water (divided)
  • 2-3 Tbsp sugar (divided)
  • 3 cups gluten-free flour blend (see notes)*
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (176 C).
  • In a small bowl, combine yeast and 3/4 cup (180 ml) warm water – about 110 degrees F (43 C). Too hot and it will kill the yeast! Let set for 5 minutes to activate. Sprinkle in 1 Tbsp (12 g) of the sugar a few minutes in.
  • In a separate bowl, combine gluten free flour blend, salt, baking powder and remaining 1-2 Tbsp (12-25 g) sugar depending on preferred sweetness. Whisk until well combined.
  • Make a well in the dry mixture and add the yeast mixture. Add the olive oil and additional 1/2 cup (120 ml) warm water before stirring. Then stir it all together until well combined, using a wooden spoon (see photo).
  • If using the whole dough to make one large pizza, spread onto a generously greased baking sheet or a pizza stone. Otherwise, make one smaller pizza and reserve the other half of the dough, wrapped in the fridge for several days. Using your hands and a little brown rice flour if it gets too sticky, work from the middle and push to spread/flatten the dough out to the edge (see pictures). You want it to be pretty thin – less than 1/4 inch.
  • Put the pizza in the oven to pre-bake for roughly 20-25 minutes, or until it begins to look dry. Cracks may appear, but that's normal and totally OK.
  • Remove from oven and spread generously with your favorite pizza sauce, cheese and desired toppings. We went with Daiya to keep ours dairy-free. Pop back in oven for another 15-25 minutes (depending on toppings), or until the crust edge looks golden brown and the toppings are warm and bubbly.
  • Cut immediately and serve. Reheats well the next day in the oven or microwave.



*To make 3 cups GF flour: 1 cup (160 g) white rice flour + 1 cup (160 g) brown rice flour + 1 cup (120 g) tapioca flour + 3/4 tsp xanthan gum)
*Nutrition information is a rough estimate calculated with lesser amount of sugar and without toppings.
*Recipe yields enough for 2 small-medium pizza crusts or 1 large.
*The gluten-free flour blend is a suggestion, but a strong one. However, try your own blend if you prefer, or sub all-purpose if not gluten-free.
*You can make this recipe ahead of time, up to 1-2 days in advance, stored covered in the refrigerator until time of use. However, it is best when made fresh.
*If the dough is finicky or sticky when spreading out, simply sprinkle on a little more brown rice flour to keep it from sticking.
*Recipe by my dear friend, Laura (and Laura’s mom).
*Laura’s favorite sauce is 1 small can of tomato paste, 1/2 cup water and equal pinches salt, pepper, dried basil, oregano, thyme, and garlic powder.

Nutrition (1 of 8 servings)

Serving: 1 serving Calories: 215 Carbohydrates: 48 g Protein: 3.2 g Fat: 1 g Saturated Fat: 0.2 g Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.27 g Monounsaturated Fat: 0.35 g Trans Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 7 mg Potassium: 89 mg Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 3.3 g Vitamin A: 0 IU Vitamin C: 0 mg Calcium: 6.43 mg Iron: 0.64 mg

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  1. Paublo Sanchez says

    A tip for all those new to Gluten free doughs, do not add flour to make a dough un-sticky or to spread easier. Gluten free doughs and breads are already dry enough without adding more flour. Roll it out on a greased sheet (as suggested) or wax paper (for pie crusts) and WET your hands to spread out the dough. That way it will not stick to your hands, be easier to spread and keep the moisture content high without the unneeded extra flour. Completely opposite to gluten filled doughs.

  2. maria says

    Just tried your gluten free crust and it came out perfect, love it! Thank you so much for sharing with us your talents and again I appreciate it.

    God Bless,

  3. Lauren says

    I’m going to try and make this recipe tomorrow, and we don’t have the ingredients for the flour blend, but have a gluten free flour blend by Nameste, that has xanthan gum already in it. Do you think it would turn out with Nameste’s blend rather than flour blend that is in the recipe?

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I haven’t tried this blend but maybe halve the recipe first so you don’t end up wasting a lot of product if it doesn’t work out. I only know the blend I list to work well with this recipe. Good luck!

  4. Bailey says

    How well would this recipe translate if I put the dough in a bread mold and tried to bake it for bread/sandwich purposes?

  5. Karla says

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share this. I had a go at it today and it was by far one of the best Gf pizza crusts i have ever made. I could actually pick up a piece without it crumbling to bits! I did two batches and let one rise to see what would happen and just ended up needing to add heaps more flour to turn it back into a usable dough, but it acted like a dough which is hard with Gf…so good, so thanks!

  6. Casey says

    Thank you for this recipe! It’s delicious. The first time I made it I followed it. The next time I made it we subbed honey for the sugar to mimic my favorite Honey Wheat crust from my pre-gluten free days. I think it’s even more fabulous with the honey. Friends & family love it too! If anyone else wants to try it, what I did was let the yeast and water sit for 5 minutes then add 3 Tbsp of honey and mix thoroughly, then go on with the rest of the recipe (omitting the white sugar.)

  7. Mike says

    Absolutely fantastic! I used 1 1/2 cups of brown rice flour, but used 1 1/2 cups of teff flour due to what I had in stock (still used xantham gum). I spread a little bit of olive oil on the baking sheet to keep it from sticking too much upon baking. Tell you what… it was phenomenal! Thank you, thank you!

  8. TJ says

    I tried a gluten free pizza crust mix before and found it to be spongy and with a “funky” taste. As someone that LOVES food and cooking, I was heartbroken when my 20-something son was diagnosed with a gluten-intolerance a few years ago. When he comes home for visits I love to have tasty gluten free food he can eat, and make it my challenge to prepare new things. I made this gluten free pizza crust tonight as he comes for a visit soon and thought it was great!!! My husband and I ate the entire thing ourselves!!!! Can’t wait to make it again!!! I know he will love it too!!!!

  9. Jennie says

    I have made this crust probably 15 times, and it’s definitely my favorite. I have tried several others, but keep coming back to this one. It truly is the tastiest and easiest pizza recipe out there! After lots of trial and error, I have a few tips that might be useful to others:

    1. I use a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Seems to work best for me with no sticking.
    2. I sub 1 Tbsp of psyllium husk for the xanthan gum, since it’s easier for me to digest.
    3. I use 2 Tbsp of olive oil, which seems to help with sticking.
    4. We like a chewier crust, so I bake for less time, in a hotter oven, 400 degrees. Usually pre-bake for about 15 min, or until just barely browning. Then, with the toppings I bake it until the cheese is bubbly and slightly brown.
    5. I find that the pizza, made on a baking sheet would serve about 3-4 people, depending on how hungry everyone is. If I have more than 4, I will double it and use two sheet pans.
    6. Our favorite toppings are BBQ sauce, shredded chicken, bell peppers, cheese, and cilantro. :)

    This is an excellent recipe, and it has been a GF lifesaver. Thank you so much for posting this!

  10. Lisa says

    I have eliminated refined sugar from my diet since I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I also eat gluten free and love homemade pizza.I was wondering if you could suggest a replacement for the sugar in this recipe?

    • Casey says

      I make this recipe with honey. It’s DELICIOUS! Omit the white sugar. After letting the yeast and hot water sit for 5 minutes add 3 Tbsp honey to the warm water and stir until dissolved/well blended. Then proceed with recipe (again omitting the sugar added later.)

      • Lisa says

        Thank you so much Casey for responding to my post with your delicious, great idea. We will definitely give honey a go!! Greatly appreciated:)

  11. Katie says

    Thank you so much for this recipe! It is the closest thing to real, chewy pizza I have had since going gluten free! It is fantastic and now I can actually enjoy pizza night with my family!

  12. Trish says

    Thumbs Down The BEST EVER PIZZA. I’ve tried about 20 GF pizza recipes so far and this
    one nails it. Chewy, delicious, satisfying perfection! Followed recipe exactly. I found the consistency
    more like traditional dough to work with than super sticky . Definately use a
    pizza stone. I lightly oiled stone with olive oil, then dusted with brown rice flour, plopped all dough on. Sprayed saran wrap with olive oil to spread dough easier. Note: a thin dough is key to success and texture. With excess dough extending over edge after a edge to crust is formed I saved to make another smaller size pizza. This was a little over a cup. Pierce dough with fork, baked 25 min. yes, it cracks.
    Top with sauce, oregano spice and red pepper flakes, sprinkle of salt, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, thinly slice vidalia onion, yellow peppers, kalmata olives. Then use olive oil spray to generously coat crust edge to prevent burn. Baked for another 25 min. Served right out of oven. Sooooo delicious. Thank you for sharing this recipe as my cravings for pizza are extreme. This tastes better than any of the GF
    pizza’s I’ve ordered out, including my all time favorite pizza joint! If I could attach pics would have.
    So happy to have discovered your website and this recipe. Thanks.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Thanks for sharing, Trish! Those notes are so helpful to others. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks again :D

  13. Beth OConnor says

    Hi, I was so excited reading this post for a GF pizza crust trying to find a recipe for my husbands birthday he could enjoy, since he’s eliminating food from his diet to help with his rheumatism. I was thrilled to see no eggs, but than my heart sank when I saw the yeast :( which is one of the ingredients he’s supposed to avoid. Any suggestions for replacing the yeast?

  14. Eva says

    Thank you for this recipe! I tried it tonight, except substituted GF oat flour for brown rice and potato starch for white rice and doubled the recipe to have leftovers for lunches. The dough turned out a bit wet so I added some buckwheat flour, then used buckwheat flour to spread it out and the consistency became good. I also added thyme and oregano.

    I also baked for 25 min first then again with toppings for 25 min but my crust got a little too brown. So next time, I will only bake for 15-20 min each time. Besides the crust being a bit too hard because I baked it too long, the kids loved it!

  15. Eva says

    Thank you for this recipe! I tried it tonight, except substituted GF oat flour for brown rice and potato starch for white rice and doubled the recipe to have leftovers for lunches. The dough turned out a bit wet so I added some buckwheat flour, then used buckwheat flour to spread it out and the consistency became good. I also added thyme and oregano.

    I also baked for 25 min first then again with toppings for 25 min but my crust got a little too brown. So next time, I will only bake for 15-20 min each time. Besides the crust being a bit too hard because I baked it too long, they kids loved it!

  16. Trish says

    In your video you use a Pizza Stone, do you find the results come out best if
    using this vs. a plan old metal pizza pan? Thanks Trish

  17. Laura says

    I’ve done a lot of gluten free cooking and have done the cauliflower pizza but one of my kids didn’t like that pizza crust so I thought I’d try a more traditional knock off of the real thing.

    My crust turned out as hard as rocks. My kids couldn’t eat the crust which normally they love. I did have all the right flour on hand so I’m not sure what went wrong. I’m off to find another recipe…..

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Thanks for sharing, Laura. Sorry it didn’t work out for you. Not sure what went wrong. Perhaps it was baked too long?

  18. Leslie says

    I appreciate you sharing your recipe with us. But I was wondering how many inches does the pizza make. Probably gonna make a smaller version for my sister, who is a vegan and has an allergy to guten. If you can’t, then that’s ok. Im sure she doesn’t mind leftover pizza. Lol. Pizza is her favorite!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      You can spread the dough as wide as you want. I think the pizza stone we used was at least 12 inches. Good luck!

  19. Ashley says

    This recipe is incredible! My gluten-eating husband even bragged to his colleagues how delish this was and now asks for it weekly. It’s a life-saver for gluten-free folks who want to enjoy great food with friends and loved ones. No one would be the wiser. We’ve had this a few times now and it gets better each time. Thank you thank you! Delicious pizza is back in my life!

  20. Cami says

    That was awesome. Hands down best recipe I’ve tasted! Much better than all the gluten free dough mixes I’ve tried! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Stephanie lucarelli says

    Hello! Love this recipe. My husband, whose family is straight from Italy and owns restaurants, really enjoyed this crust. Soooo, now I’m wondering if I can triple the recipe easily. Would you suggest any changes by tripling ingredients? Or do you think I should just make three separate doughs? Thanks for the recipe…

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I don’t think you’d need to change anything! Just triple the ingredients. You’d have a bit more control by making three separate doughs – less risk, I think. Hope that helps!

  22. Nascarchic says

    This has become a weekly tradition for us! When I mentioned making pizza tonight – even my non-gf husband said “oohhh, the new one? I love that pizza”. :) Big hit – and easy to make. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Mariela says

    I’ve been looking for the perfect gluten-free pizza for a while and I LOVED this recipe, even though i used a different blend of gluten-free flours :)

  24. Pizza crust manufacturer says

    I own a wholesale pizza company and been making pizza for 15 years this is a great gluten free recipe Great job

  25. Lisa says

    I am so happy I found this recipe on Pinterest. Your title is true – by far the best GF crust and I have tried dozens. I actually ate the end crust and it was yummy! Thanks for a great and easy recipe. I did have to sub since I did not have brown rice flour I used sweet sorghum and it was fantastic.

  26. Joe says

    Help! I’ve followed this recipe (I think) correctly, yet still run into a situation where there is not enough liquid/water when mixing. I put the 3/4 cups in with the yeast and another 1/2 a cup when mixing together, yet within seconds of stirring the water is all gone and the mixture is way to dry. I add more water to compensate but it gets a bit moist when taking out of the oven. Am I doing something wrong, or missing something? Btw, this is by far the best gf crust I have tasted in a long time.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Joe, you’re probably not doing anything wrong it just takes some special handling. If it’s too dry, just add more water to the bowl OR wet your hands for easier spreading just before baking. If it’s too wet, add more flour blend. Hope you give it another go!

  27. Debbie Seaborn says

    as a Mum to a 7 year old boy with severe allergies to wheat, dairy and egg (to name a few ) I was keen to give this a go. Too many shop bought baked goods contain egg when omitting the wheat. I made this today and tried a blend of brown rice flour and Dove Farms plain flour mix as had in house and it worked a treat. I now have one extremely happy and full up 7 year old and one happy mum! and I have to say compared to other wheat free baked goods the taste was lovely so could do a big one for whole family. a big thank you !

  28. Cindy says

    this recipe is very good & what I found helpful was to place a piece of saran over the dough on the cooking sheet & use a rolling pin to spread it, worked very well for me so didn’t have to deal with the dough sticking to my hands

  29. Caroline says

    What does the 1/2 tsp xanthan gum do for the crust? I know it’s a thickener. Does it somehow help hold the crust together? What happens if you leave it out? Thanks.

    • Blaine says


      Xanthan gum and guar gum are used as replacements for wheat gluten. It is the gluten which binds it all together

      If you have corn allergies, use the guar gum instead of xanthan. They can be used interchangeably without any issues.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I’m not sure! I haven’t tried that yet. But if you do, let me know how it goes, Karen!

  30. Janine Hussey says

    Wow! Just made for my son and I using Doves Farm GF Bread Flour (we are in UK). I converted oven temperature to 175C but probably could have done with it being 160C as the crusts started to brown on the edges during the first bake after 10mins. I didn’t have tomato sauce so added olive oil to tomato puree, then topped with grated cheese, chopped ham, sliced red onion, sliced baby button mushrooms, sprinkled with garlic granules, salt and pepper and then covered with more grated cheese – they were absolutely delicious and we will definitely be using again. Thanks for posting!

  31. jonathan says

    Followed your directions closely. Resulting crust was a bit tough. Okay, very tough. Very, very, very tough.

  32. Meagan says

    So I was super pumped to try this. I bought all the ingredients, as well as the pizza stone. I made it exactly as stated. But my dough cooked onto the stone and won’t come off at all. Definitely bummed. But I know from the small pieces breaking off that it tastes good. But now, I don’t know how to get this off my stone :(

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Bummer! One thought is that the stone wasn’t prepped for use properly. Did you read the instructions before using? Sometimes I dust some cornmeal on the pizza stone to help it prevent from sticking. Hope that helps!

  33. Luis and Jazz says

    Hi Diana,
    just to thank you for this wonderful recipe, we want to try it but for something else, like regular bread or like tortilla bread, we let you know.
    and if you have any other recipe please let us know
    thank you very much

  34. Lorri Derksen says

    Hi Dana. I am diagnosed celiac for 1 month now and just tried your pizza dough recipe. I used 3 cups white rice flour, 1 cup corn flour and 1 cup tapioca flour and it turned out great. I have been using “Bobs red mill” gluten free pizza dough mix and wanted to try mixing my own. So glad I found your recipe. It was a hit :) Thanks so much for making our weekly pizza night gluten free.
    PS: we are a family of 8 and I doubled the recipe and it turned out just fine.

  35. Amelia says

    So we are pretty new to gluten free eating, and are loving the challenge so far. However, a lot of the recipes online are pretty complex, with often so-so results… My thirteen year old daughter made this crust last night, and WOW. Better than regular – seriously. We couldn’t believe how great it was! Now, it could have had something to do with her brushing the crust with melted garlic butter in between the pre-bake and final bake….. ridiculously yummy. We did use King Arthur gluten-free all purpose flour in place of the flour blend posted, with the only adjustment was needing a bit more of the flour than the recipe called for. Thanks for such a simple and delicious recipe!!!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Nice! So glad you all enjoyed it. Thanks for the tips on substituting King Arthur GF Blend. Haven’t tried that one yet so I’m glad to hear it works as well!

  36. Samantha says

    Could i just use gluten-free oat flour? Also when you put the pizza crust in the oven is the oven still at 110 degrees or do u put it at 350 degrees to cook the crust? This sounds soo good!! I was thinking of using Turkey salami instead of pepperoni

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Samantha, the oven temp for cooking the crust is 350 degrees. We’re not sure about using just oat flour. It would be more dense. Let us know if you try it!

  37. Frederique says

    In my country (The Netherlands), i can’t buy tapioca flour :(
    Can I substitute it for another flour (gluten-free)?

    Thankyou so much!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I haven’t tried it without tapioca so can’t speak to what substitution you’d be able to make. So, just do what you can and let me know how it turns out! I’d love to know if it can be modified with success.

  38. Stacia says

    Do you really prebake the crust for 25 min? And then another 25 after toppings are on? Thank you for sharing, I’m excited to try!

  39. Lisa says

    What a great recipe! My 14yo daughter and I just went gluten free 2 weeks ago for her chronic headaches. We were certainly craving pizza, and your recipe nailed it. I followed the instructions exactly, other than letting the yeast/water/sugar rise about 15 minutes before mixing. I thought the dough had a great texture, and even the non-gluten free eaters loved it!

    I think next time I will split the dough into two pizzas to make the crust a bit thinner.

    Thank you for sharing.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Yay! So glad you shared your experience and your family enjoyed the recipe so much. Cheers!

  40. Leslie says

    Good flavor but fairly flat dough. I’ve been gf for 12 years and I understand how difficult it is to get a good product. Next time I will let the dough rise for 15-30 minutes before patting it out on the pizza stone, hoping for a bit of a rise in the dough, other than that, pretty darn good!

  41. Annette says

    My family has been gf since 2009 and we’ve tried many pizza recipes, this is one even my 7yr old will eat. Thanks. :)

  42. kellye says

    This looks great just starting a GF and dairy free diet due to a very bad health issues. Can you make the dough and put it in the freezer? If so for how long and should u cook the dough. There are days im doing great but then days I cant walk. Im looking for food I can pre make on my good days. Any help would be helpful. I also have 2 picky little kids.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Kellye, we would recommend par-baking it for about 20-25 minutes before freezing. Hope that helps!

  43. Ashley says

    Have you tried to make breadsticks or anything else out of this recipe? If not, how do you think it would do? I can’t wait to try it! It looks so promising and the wonderful reviews make this a no-brainer as to whether anyone should try it. :)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I’m not sure! this is a tender crust that doesn’t do well when rolled too thick, so I wouldn’t be able to speak to how well that would work. If anything, I’d just suggest making it as listed and then cut it into strips. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!

  44. Nic says

    This worked out pretty well. I really should have paid attention to the fact that I need to roll it thin. Like really really thin. Mine came out a bit pastry dough-like and was super filling but tasty. Pretty sure a bit thinner would help. Since this makes so much dough, it might be nice if there were alterations to the ingredients for just one crust. Thanks!

  45. Leeann says

    This is a great crust recipe. I think it tastes best super thin, so I use plastic wrap so that I can roll or pat it out super-thin right on the cookie sheet and nothing sticks. I freeze leftover dough for the next pizza. Thanks!

  46. Alison says

    I have been searching for a gluten free pizza dough recipe that is simple, easy to make and tastes like regular pizza dough. After trying so many I was skeptical that one actually existed. I’m glad I continued to search because your recipe is exactly what I was looking for. It is absolutely delicious and easy to make as well. Making anything successful with yeast has alluded me since becoming diagnosed with celiac disease so thank you for providing such a wonderful recipe.

  47. Siri says

    As someone who has severe lactose and gluten intolerances, I was so excited to try this amazing and simple recipe. Best GF pizza I’ve ever had! Thank you so much.

  48. Doc says

    I was wondering if you could or if anyone has tried to use iat flour in this blend vs the white rice flour ?

  49. ashley says

    UNREAL!!! I used Jules Gluten Free Flour as the flour and this recipe ROCKED! My kids, husband, and parents all loved it. They said it was the best. I cant wait to try this as bread sticks and as a dessert pizza. Thank you!

  50. Nicole says

    I made this again last night and it turned out perfectly! I bought new flour and I am thinking that last weeks flour may have been old, causing the extreme chewiness. Also, I had been making one large pizza instead of one large and one personal pizza. This explains why my dough was thicker! Thank you again for this recipe.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Great! Glad you figured it out. Yes, I think this recipe technically makes two pizzas. Glad that worked!

  51. Cordelia Fiterre says

    I’ve made this a couple of times now. The first time it turned out good, though we had to watch the baking time well in order to walk the line between underdone and overdone. The crust was also not as flavorful as I would have liked, but still good.

    I went to make it again today after getting a few more ingredients, but didn’t realise I was out of white rice flour and had already proofed the yeast, with hungry children getting restless in the other room. I had sweet rice flour (aka “glutinous” rice flour) so I decided to sub that in. It was fantastic! I think I might like it even better. In the future, I’ll probably play with it, starting with subbing half of the white rice flour with sweet rice flour. Since it’s sticky, I had to add just a little bit more brown rice flour, but the balance of the dough was about the same. The crust didn’t get quite as dry in the par-baking phase, and was perfect when I pulled it out after topping it.

    I also added a few herbs to the dough to give me the little bit of flavor I was missing.

    Looking forward to playing with this some more. I don’t think it’s perfect for us as-written, but it is absolutely a perfect starting place for our experimentations.

  52. Nicole says

    Thank you for this recipe. The flavor is excellent but mine turned out crunchy chewy and gave my jaw a workout. Any ideas as to why this happened?

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Nicole, this crust is not like regular crust in that it has more texture and “chew” to it. But it shouldn’t be hurting your jaw. Not sure what went wrong!

  53. Clover says

    I added one egg instead of the xantham gum and my dough was thin and wet, more so than pancake batter. I added another 1/2 c. of brown rice flour and 2 tbs of tapioca flour just to make it look like the consistency in the picture.

    The end result is like a hard, dry, crumbly, sugar cookie. I know I am partially to blame, but I can’t help wonder about the original recipe and if it would be better w baking soda and about half that amount of water. Chef’s thoughts?

  54. Isadora says

    I have been searching high and low for a decent homemade gluten free pizza crust recipe (I have found good frozen ones, but they are so expensive and small!). I saw this one a while ago and finally gave it a try the other night and I was so impressed by it. I don’t do much gluten free baking because I get frustrated that you can’t just substitute gluten free flour for regular flour and I just love that it actually works in this recipe. My husband, who is not gluten free, even loved it. I will definately be using this recipe a lot! Thanks so much!

  55. Rae says

    Oops. Added 1/2 C water too much. Didn’t read that yeast was added to only 3/4 C water. Added another cup flour, etc. mixture and poured it onto a deep cookie sheet for pan pizza!

  56. Sonya says

    Ok…amazing! I madr this for the first time last night for a friend who is not GF and he loved it…couldn’t stop thanking me. Very easy to make & oh so tasty! This is going on my favorites list!

  57. Stephanie says

    I’ve never tried gf but need to have this as an option for certain family members. We like to grill our homemade gluten pizza’s, how do you think this will work on a pizza pan for the grill?

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Stephanie, we haven’t tried grilling this crust, but another reader mentioned doing so with success.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Joy, We’d suggest par-baking the crust for 20 minutes before freezing. Hope that helps!

  58. Erin says

    I was so excited to try this recipe but I did have a few problems and I’m wondering if you could help me pinpoint why the crust didn’t quite come out right. The first change I did was half the recipe. The second was that I used my own GF Flour which was brown rice four, millet flour and potato starch. I measured this out by weight however (i.e. 140 grams of GF flour = 1 cup, so in my case since I halved the recipe, I used 210 grams of GF flour). Then I substituted xantham gum for Psyllium husk but I used the whole 1/2 tsp (I did not have the amount). Following that, I did hand mix it with a wooden spoon and finished it in my stand alone mixer. The first thing I noticed was that my flour was much runnier than what appeared in your photo. It was about thick pancake consistency. I added a little bit more flour a little at a time till the mixture just came together. I had no issue spreading the dough out on my oiled pizza pan, it was very smooth and easy to work with. I set the timer for 25 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees but it only took about 15 minutes before my crust started to dry out and formed cracks. I know you mentioned this was completely normal and ok but the cracks in my dough were deep enough to cause the crust to split almost all over and completely through the crust and I don’t believe it will stay together after it drys. I am new to GF baking and so i’m certain i’ve made a ton of mistakes. I would really appreciate the help.

    • Erin says

      Another thing I did notice was that most of the cracks that went all the way through tot he bottom of the pan towards the center of the crust. Around the edge of the pan, the crust stayed together perfectly. Maybe I made the dough towards the middle of the pan too thin?

      • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

        That’s a good observation! Where you saw more cracks, perhaps keep it a tiny bit thicker in the middle. Either way, the cracks didn’t bother me much because it still held together for me when I picked it up! Plus, still delicious.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Erin at first glance I’d say it’s your mix. Potato starch probably won’t work well in this recipe. Next time for best results, use the blend I suggest. Hope that helps!

  59. Stacey says

    I just want thank you for sharing this crust recipe . I’ve tried different ones and they were not good at all!! But I tried this one last night and it was amazing!! It tasted like real pizza. Thanks again.

  60. Mairi says

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU for posting this recipe! I have been GF for 6 years, and have struggled to find an acceptable pizza crust recipe all that time. This so far surpasses EVERYTHING I’ve tried! Love it!

  61. Melissa says

    I’m new to gluten-free and have been searching for recipes that will allow me to still eat my favorite foods. I’m so glad I found your pizza recipe. I just made it for the first time. It was really easy to make and absolutely delicious! Thank you so much for sharing it.

  62. Sofia - New Start Smoothies says


    This sounds amazing! We live in Italy and I was wondering what type of yeast you use? Is it a fresh yeast or a dry powder? Thanks soo much for this

  63. Greg says

    I made this tonight and it was excellent. The only change I made was adding an egg (we have chickens and love to use eggs when we can) and subtracting an equal amount of water. One thing that works very well when spreading out gluten-free crusts is to we your hands in cold water. I think that works better than using gluten-free flour.

    Thanks for the wonderful story and recipe.

  64. nadia says

    Hi> I can’t wait to try out this recipe. Need to find out from you- i will be using a gluten free flour mix that already has xanthan gum- it has 9 percent xanthan. should i still add xanthan gum and how much?

  65. Kyle Rose says

    OMG I LOVE THIS CRUST RECIPE! I had a heck of a time with it because I’m recipe-challenged for some reason but it was fabulous!! I didn’t use baking powder (all the stores around me had closed and I only had baking soda) and I didn’t use salt (I forgot..Oops!). THEN to shake things up a bit I decided to unintentionally skip the part about baking the crust first, THEN putting the toppings on. So I had to scrape off the sauce, cheese, and pepperoni as best I could and then throw it back in. It ended up being kind of a good thing because is made a small baked cheese layer on the crust. My husband and his best friend were RAVING about it! I am so excited!! I can’t wait to try a bunch of your recipes :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Subscribed and satisfied!

  66. Katie says

    Delicious! We made “heart shaped” pizzas for a family Valentines Day, and everyone loved it! Not a slice left. The only thing I did different was use a gf flour blend I had on hand (rice flour, tapioca flour and potato starch) for convenience’ sake, but the proportions in this recipe were perfect! Thanks for sharing this

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Yay! So glad you and your family enjoyed these, Katie! Great idea on the heart shaped for V-day! I’ll have to try that next year or for an anniversary :D

  67. Liz says

    I having been eating gluten free for three years and pizza crusts have always been a hit or miss. I am excited to try this one because it looks simple and easy, but honestly…I want to try this recipe just because you quoted Nacho Libre! ;)

  68. Sheryl says

    BIG FAN! I recently discovered this site and fb page and have been coming back again and again to try recipes!

    I’ve been V/GF for sometime now, and pizza is one thing I’ve missed.

    Today I tried this pizza crust. While I enjoyed the crust, the way it spread and only shrunk a little, I found it far too sweet.

    Next time I will try only 1tbsp sugar. I would also like to try adding various spices INTO the dough itself. Has anyone or yourself tried this? For a regular crust I might add a little carom seed, a pinch of pepper, and more salt.


    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Sheryl, we think it will work fine with less sweetener. We would recommend still using 1 Tbsp in step 2 though. We haven’t tried adding spices to the crust, but it sounds lovely! Let us know if you do some experimenting!

  69. Kacie says

    I can’t wait to try making this pizza! I’m only a week in to my new gluten and dairy free diet due to my nursing sons food allergies/eczema. I’ve been craving a pizza for the past three days and am so excited to find one that not only looks good, but had gotten such rave reviews. Thank you from this pizza loving mama!!!

  70. Kyle says

    I tried this crust tonight and it was quite delicious! Thanks for the recipe. I might suggest a few changes:

    — I think the crust could use a little bit more salt (maybe 1/4 tsp) and some other dried spices (oregano, pinch of garlic?). We did have a ton of (lightly salted) veggies on our version, which perhaps made it seem like the crust was lacking salt; this might not be the case if using pepperoni or sausage.

    — I would *be sure* to press the crust to be thinner than 1/4″, except for the actual outer crust (leave that at 1/4″). I know the recipe says “less than 1/4 in.” but I would err towards 1/8″. (I was using an AirBake pizza screen lined with oiled parchment for the pre-bake, and the screen and no parchment for the post-bake.)

    — I would shorten the pre-bake to be closer to 8-12 minutes, especially if your crust is around 1/8″ thick.

    Overall, pretty good! Can’t wait to try it again so I can perfect it. Thanks for the great recipe!

  71. Melanie says

    This was my first time making pizza, and given that I eat exclusively gluten-free & dairy-free I thought this would be the perfect recipe to try. It was–thank you! It’s so rare that I get to eat & enjoy pizza: one of my favourite foods. Next time, I will make sure to follow your advice and make the crust thin, as I went a little thicker than was probably best.

  72. Carolyn Hui says

    Hi! I didn’t read all the comments, so I don’t know if anyone has already mentioned trying this, but I didn’t have any tapioca starch in my cupboards (though I usually do, since we’re gluten-free here!) the first time I made this, so I thought I’d try to sub with glutinous rice flour. It turned out great! In fact, we all loved it so much that I just always use glutinous rice flour whenever I make this. Thanks so much for the recipe! My kids and husband thank you as well. :)

  73. jeff says

    I like how she’s cutting it with kitchen shears then you sneak the knife in for the next pic….I lol’d. Seriously though, thinking I need to go gluten (and possibly dairy) free. Pizza is the only thing I can’t fathom giving up, so thanks……well, omelettes to, gonna have to try Daiya.

  74. Sera says

    Hi Dana, my friend loves pizza but is unfortunately gluten-free (insofar as he has the discipline to!) I’m interested to try this but am really curious to know why you add yeast given that 1: there is no gluten, 2: you mix the dough and put it into the oven, which kills the yeast, immediately.


    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      The yeast does in fact help it along (expanding a little in the oven), and it adds a true pizza flavor to it. It’s not as essential as yeast in gluten-containing crusts, but important (I think) nonetheless! Hope that helps and I hope you and your friend enjoy this recipe!

  75. Keren says

    Wow-we’ve been GF for almost 2 years now and have tried at least 5 different homemade pizza recipes. This crust was by far our favorite-my twin 13 year olds didn’t want to stop eating it-and they are serious pizza snobs! Thanks!

  76. Kenisha says

    I made this today using 2 cups of Namaste Gluten Free flour and 1 cup of King Arthur Gluten Free all purpose flour.
    It is the best gluten free pizza crust I’ve ever had!
    I was concerned that my dough was too crumbly so I added a smidge more warm water. I rolled it thinly onto a baking stone and followed the recipe exactly.
    Thank you Dana, Laura and Laura’s Mommy :)

  77. Lisa says

    I am excited to try this. I just wanted to know what brands of the three flours that you mix together, do you use? The brand name of each one….. sometimes it makes a difference.

  78. Brian says

    Tried it tonight. They were all out of brown rice flour at the store. Subbed more tapioca and a half cup each of arrowroot and coconut flour. Cooks a little quicker with this mix, but the dough was easy to handle and it tasted great. Have a number of gluten free relatives, and this recipe will get plenty of use.

  79. Leah says

    Thank you for this recipe, I found it works even better with an additional 1-1 1/2 Tbsp of olive oil in the dough. It browned and crisped beautifully and it did not crack. Also, I baked it at 375 and it got golden brown and delish in about 15 minutes. I made it into a flatbread and topped it with a roasted garlic coconut milk and sun dried tomato sauce. I sautéed some spinach and roasted some asparagus. I am a strict vegan so I used the daiya cheese. Phenomenal! Thanks again!!

  80. rachel says

    This recipe is platinum! I was so sick and tired of paying $20 per 6″ gf pizza, so i mustered up the courage to try this one out. So glad i did- I can’t believe how easy it was! I winded up making 3 pizzas to share (with non-gf people). Everyone flipped out and wanted seconds/thirds. This is a FANTASTIC recipe (the 4th recipe in 3 days I’ve tried from this site). I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to perfect your recipes, and give accurate instructions and measurements. I have had tragic results with recipes from elsewhere…. such a waste of time and money. I’m subscribing now, and looking forward to your new book.

  81. Katie says

    I cannot wait to try this recipe!!!! Been GF for a couple of years and have yet to find a good enough gf pizza crust. I did not see that this dough needs time to rise, is that correct? Also, will any yeast work for my gluten intolerant tummy (I’ve been curious if yeast has gluten?)?
    Thank you! :)

    • Zoa says

      Hi, Katie!

      In my experience, the dough just needed to be wet all the way through and had bubbles from the yeast doing its’ job just from combining the wet and dry ingredients.
      As fas as what yeast is and what it contains, the strain of yeast we use in baking is Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is a fellow member of the fungi family just like mushrooms. Being a fungi, it does not contain gluten and is actually used in other applications and not just in food prep and comes in a variety of forms. It’s what’s used to ferment grape juice to create wine and is used in beer making as well. It’s entirely safe for those who have gluten sensitivities. Good luck when you make the recipe yourself!

  82. Zoa says

    Thanks a bunch of roses for this steller recipe! I made it last night with fantastic results! I made my own flour blend especially for this because I like to experiement and my diabetic mom can’t have simple carbohydrates like a whole cup of tapioca starch. Too many simple sugars for her, besides, we like a more “whole-grain” taste without adding denseness. The finished product was lighty crisp on the bottom and was perfectly moist in the middle, and had an AMAZING flavor that could be mistaken for wheat crust! I figured out 2 years ago that I’m gluten intolerant and only recently decided to take on the challenge of Gluten Free baking. I learned to cook through baking with wheat and was a quite good at it, so it was hard to give up baking. Now, thanks to folks like you and my research, I’m armed with knowledge and companions on the journey to great Gluten Free baking! I am so grateful you shared this recipe! This was the first time I’ve made pizza at home and loved the results!

    Allow me to share how I made it and modified it to be more “whole-grain” like so it would be healthier for my diabetic mother and lower on the glycemic index.

    My flour blend using the proper measuring technique I recently learned (It happens to be really important how you measure your ingredients because this is kitchen chemistry! Here’s the link to the tutorial where I learned it. And FYI, it matters in all kinds of baking! ) :

    1/2 cup white rice flour (since I’m saving my brown rice flour for scones!)
    1/2 cup sorghum flour
    1 cup buckwheat flour
    3/4 cup unmodified potatoe STARCH (potatoe starch and flour are different)
    1/4 cup ground flaxseed (flax adds to the sticky quality to anything it’s in and can be used in place of eggs and butter with the right amount of water added. It’s also high in nutrition and omega-3s! Plus, when added to baked goods, it lends a nutty, “whole wheat”, flavor)
    And the 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum, the remaining two tablespoons of sugar, the 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, and then I eyeballed the salt because I never measure salt. I don’t like much salt in baked goods. I really like this blend of flours but next time I try this I’ll use some amaranth flour and brown rice plus the sorghum and buckwheat and potatoe starch and flaxseed for a richer flavor.

    For the rest, I pretty well followed the recipe, except the thickness of the crust (I went with a thicker crust since I didn’t want left over dough) and baking times since my oven is fairly accurate but I mostly bake by intuition, sight and smell, so I don’t know how long it actually took to prebake the crust and then finish the pizza. I did, however have to flour my pizza stone to be able to spread it out. Next time, I’ll take someone else’s advice from the comments I’ve read and I’ll use olive oil on my hands instead of flour so the dough won’t stick to my hands! I wish I had thought to do so while I was making it! Gluten free things really do tend to be much wetter than wheat things or much drier!

    Thanks so very much again and keep up the good work! You make a difference!


  83. Jamie says

    My partner and I have been making this crust non-stop since we found it. It’s so quick, easy and way better than any delivery option. Even if he didn’t have a gluten allergy, we would still choose this thin crust over ordering in!

  84. ewayne says

    This is a great simple recipe. I’ve been making many types of GF pizza for years and this is as good as it gets! A tip I discovered is to use parchment paper (or silicone sheet) when pressing the dough/mixture very thin. Then will remove it after the pre-bake. Thanks for the great pizza.

  85. taylor says

    this was my first time experimenting with or even tasting gluten free pizza and it was great! i probably under baked it a little because i was impatient and 50 minutes sounded like a long time to me for pizza! it was delicious and really no more time consuming that regular pizza. just wish those GF flours weren’t so pricey!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Glad to hear it! Thanks for sharing, Taylor. For GF bakers, part of the downside is cost, but hopefully as it becomes more popular the prices will go down. If you have a natural grocers in your area, go there for cheap bulk bags. Otherwise, order in bulk online to save $!

  86. Janet Mylin says

    I am THRILLED with this recipe. We just found out our 6 year old son has strong bodily aversions to gluten AND dairy. (We’ll find out Monday if he has Celiac – praying it’s not.) Pizza is his absolute favorite and when I made this and served it to my family tonight, everyone loved it. No complaints with the texture, taste or appearance. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This will be our Friday night tradition. I can’t thank you enough for posting this and giving such great instructions.

  87. Carolyn says

    I ran out of Brown rice flour, so used Sorghum flour instead and increased the olive oil to 4 Tbsp. the flavor was wonderful and the crust didn’t crack as much. Delicious! I also made a pot pie with recipe, baking 1/3 of the recipe in pie pan for 25 minutes, then adding filling and rolling out a top crust using 1/3 recipe between wax paper. Crimped it to bottom shell and added slits and finished baking it. That also was very good. I made a meat/cheese turnover with the other 1/3 and baked it about 45 minutes.
    I will continue to share this with my GF friends!