The Best Gluten-Free Pizza Crust + Sauce

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Freshly baked pie of The Best Gluten-Free Pizza Ever

This time last summer our friend Laura found out she had food allergies. Not the kind that can be cured with an enzyme pill or avoidance of cheese. The kind that require eliminating half your diet. She was heartbroken for it and we were, too. We ate together all the time and the allergies imparted all kinds of complications. But after rallying our spirits we ventured to explore new and better recipes together, namely ones free of gluten since it seemed to be the main culprit in her diet.

Laura’s family has always had homemade pizza on Sunday nights – a tradition she loved then resented after she couldn’t participate. She and I both searched for gluten-free crust alternatives but always ended up with doughy, bean-flavored, less-than-memorable results. Then Laura had the brilliant idea to try her mom’s traditional crust recipe, only subbing in a gluten free flour blend in place of all purpose to keep it allergen-free.

The result – oh man – no joke, the best gluten free pizza crust I’ve ever had. She even prefers it over restaurant versions now and I nearly prefer it over GLUTEN versions at regular pizzerias! It’s that good. If you have gluten free eaters in your life you simply must try this recipe. As Nacho Libre says, “It’s the baaayyyyysst.”

Mixing wet into dry ingredients for Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Using a wooden spoon to stir amazing homemade Gluten-Free Pizza Dough

I convinced Laura to let me share her recipe and photograph her making it. So John and I joined her and her husband Ben at their place on a recent weeknight evening. We split a couple bottles of wine, made pizza and I took photos. Oh yes, and we laughed and joked. We always do. These guys are the best. Husbands watched on as the women worked. Typical ; )

John and Ben chatting and enjoying wine
Spreading Gluten-Free Pizza Crust dough onto a pizza stone
Homemade pizza crust spread onto amazing Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Adding shredded cheese to homemade Gluten-Free Pizza

We went with pepperoni for our main topping, boys’ request. The girls pizza had Daiya mozzarella shreds to keep it dairy-free, since Laura and I try to avoid dairy whenever possible. It was insanely delicious. This pizza is super, seriously. Insanely good. It’s so good, in fact, that just looking at it I want it again, RIGHT NOW.

The best part? Just 7 ingredients (with the gluten free flour blend) and about an hour from start to finish! The result? A crust that actually gets crisp on the outsides and stays a little tender on the inside. It is a bit delicate as most gluten free breads are, but certainly nothing one can’t master. I’ve watched Laura make it dozens of times now and she’s getting quite good at it. She doesn’t even need the recipe and eyeballs when something looks off.

As Shauna Niequist shares in her new book “Bread and Wine,” try a recipe once and follow it to a “t.” Try it a second time and make your own tweaks. Try it a third time by memory and it’s yours. Enjoy.

Adding pepperoni slices to a homemade pizza

Troubleshooting Tips & FAQs

Crust too crumbly or dry?

Make sure to use the blend of gluten-free flours we recommend in the notes. We can’t guarantee results with other combinations of gluten-free flours as we haven’t tried them. For tips on store-bought brands, we recommend checking the comment section to see what others have tried.

Crust too tough or hard?

Next time, try cooking it for less time and/or rolling it slightly thicker.

What’s the best way to freeze this pizza crust?

Par-bake crust 20-30 minutes, then let cool and transfer to a sealed container and store in the freezer up to 1 month.

The Best Gluten-Free Pepperoni Pizza resting on a pizza stone

What are you waiting for? Make. This. Pizza!

Laura cutting slices of pizza

More Gluten Free Pizza Crust Recipes

If you try this recipe, let us know! Leave a comment, rate it, and don’t forget to tag a photo #minimalistbaker on Instagram. Cheers, friends!

Plate and pizza stone with delicious Gluten-Free Pepperoni Pizza

Note: based on reader feedback and retesting, we reduced the pre-bake time by 5 minutes on 10/17/2021 to ensure a perfectly baked crust every time!

The Best Gluten-Free Pizza Crust + Sauce

A 7-ingredient gluten-free pizza crust that requires 1 hour from start to finish and rivals any pizzeria-style pizza crust.
Author Minimalist Baker
A whole homemade Gluten-Free Pepperoni Pizza on a big plate
4.67 from 584 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings 8 (servings)
Course Entrée
Cuisine Gluten-Free, Vegan
Freezer Friendly 1 Month (par-bake before freezing)
Does it keep? 1-2 Days


  • 1 Tbsp dry active yeast
  • 1 ¼ cup warm water (divided)
  • 2-3 Tbsp sugar (divided)
  • 3 cups gluten-free flour blend (see notes)*
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (176 C).
  • In a small bowl, combine yeast and 3/4 cup (180 ml) warm water – about 110 degrees F (43 C). Too hot and it will kill the yeast! Let set for 5 minutes to activate. Sprinkle in 1 Tbsp (12 g) of the sugar a few minutes in.
  • In a separate bowl, combine gluten free flour blend, salt, baking powder and remaining 1-2 Tbsp (12-25 g) sugar depending on preferred sweetness. Whisk until well combined.
  • Make a well in the dry mixture and add the yeast mixture. Add the olive oil and additional 1/2 cup (120 ml) warm water before stirring. Then stir it all together until well combined, using a wooden spoon (see photo).
  • If using the whole dough to make one large pizza, spread onto a generously greased baking sheet or a pizza stone. Otherwise, make one smaller pizza and reserve the other half of the dough, wrapped in the fridge for several days. Using your hands and a little brown rice flour if it gets too sticky, work from the middle and push to spread/flatten the dough out to the edge (see pictures). You want it to be pretty thin – less than 1/4 inch.
  • Put the pizza in the oven to pre-bake for roughly 20-25 minutes, or until it begins to look dry. Cracks may appear, but that's normal and totally OK.
  • Remove from oven and spread generously with your favorite pizza sauce, cheese and desired toppings. We went with Daiya to keep ours dairy-free. Pop back in oven for another 15-25 minutes (depending on toppings), or until the crust edge looks golden brown and the toppings are warm and bubbly.
  • Cut immediately and serve. Reheats well the next day in the oven or microwave.



*To make 3 cups GF flour: 1 cup (160 g) white rice flour + 1 cup (160 g) brown rice flour + 1 cup (120 g) tapioca flour + 3/4 tsp xanthan gum)
*Nutrition information is a rough estimate calculated with lesser amount of sugar and without toppings.
*Recipe yields enough for 2 small-medium pizza crusts or 1 large.
*The gluten-free flour blend is a suggestion, but a strong one. However, try your own blend if you prefer, or sub all-purpose if not gluten-free.
*You can make this recipe ahead of time, up to 1-2 days in advance, stored covered in the refrigerator until time of use. However, it is best when made fresh.
*If the dough is finicky or sticky when spreading out, simply sprinkle on a little more brown rice flour to keep it from sticking.
*Recipe by my dear friend, Laura (and Laura’s mom).
*Laura’s favorite sauce is 1 small can of tomato paste, 1/2 cup water and equal pinches salt, pepper, dried basil, oregano, thyme, and garlic powder.

Nutrition (1 of 8 servings)

Serving: 1 serving Calories: 215 Carbohydrates: 48 g Protein: 3.2 g Fat: 1 g Saturated Fat: 0.2 g Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.27 g Monounsaturated Fat: 0.35 g Trans Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 7 mg Potassium: 89 mg Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 3.3 g Vitamin A: 0 IU Vitamin C: 0 mg Calcium: 6.43 mg Iron: 0.64 mg

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    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Kathleen, I’m sorry I really can’t speak to that! I have limited experience with altitude and how it affects baking times/temperatures. I would assume that any modifications you’ve made to other baked dishes would be applicable to this recipe. Hope that helps!

  1. Kathy says

    To keep the dough from sticking on your hands I have found that using olive oil on your hand instead of brown rice flour works much better.

  2. Katya says

    My mom and I tried this for Christmas and WOW so yummy! We are both vegan and gluten intolerant so this was the perfect recipe. We made ours with homemade pesto sauce, and sauteed veggies. Delicious! Thanks for sharing, was a great recipe, and one that will definitely be used again.. and again.

  3. Bev says

    Recent GF/CF recstrictions had cut our weekly family pizza night back to every few weeks (those GF pizza crust mixes aren’t cheap!). But since adjusting the budget for the periodic GF flour resupplies, this pizza crust recipe is GREAT! Whips together SO EASY! The soft dough spreads BEAUTIFULLY with a dusting of rice flour. Smells AWESOME baking! We keep a bag of pizza toppings in the freezer ready (great use roast and taco meat leftovers, extra mushrooms, etc.) Now with your pizza sauce recipe, I don’t even need double check my pantry before Pizza Night—I always have tomato paste—thank you!

  4. jenn says

    Was really excited to try this tonight for our family pizza night. Sorry to stay the crust was so hard that my husband couldn’t chew it! Im baking a second one right now and reduced the first bake by 15 mins, so hopefully that will help. I am using a pizza stone, so maybe that’s the problem?

    • jenn says

      Second try was too thick (my bad) but much much better! A bit chalky though, I’ve used Cellimix and its white rice, so that might be why.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Jenn, it really just takes a little practice. If it was too hard, try baking it less and/or making it thicker. I’d say pat it out just as thin and then bake it a little less time for the best results. And honestly, I’ve tried this dough on both a pizza stone and a baking sheet and the baking sheet was better! Hope that helps!

  5. malinda says

    looks amazing!! My oven is on the fritz..I wonder if I can cook the crust in my electric skillet…then add topping to it after it’s cooked?

  6. Adelle says

    I must admit, I was skeptical! I’ve tried so many different “from scratch” pizza crust recipes and they were pretty much ALL disasters! BUT HOORAY – this was great!! I made sure to follow the recipe exactly and it was FAB! I used a pre-packaged gluten free flour (white wings) and added extra xanthan gum. I’ve written this recipe into my ‘fave recipe’ book and will DEFINITELY make this again. THANK YOU!

  7. sarah jane says

    this is. hands down. THE best GF pizza recipe we have made. ever.

    for the record, we used cup4cup flour and just one packet of yeast. (which I think is a little less than the recipe calls for.) we also added garlic and basil to the crust.
    holy moly. so good.

    has anyone tried to freeze this yet? the recipe seems easy enough to half, but freezing would be perfect.

  8. Kendra says

    Oh my Gosh this is the best pizza dough recipe!!! It actually tasted like the real thing and it worked like the real thing. I had some left over dough that I made some rolls with and man they tasted so good too! This is perfect for pizza rolls and pizza crust, try it guys you won’t regret it :)

  9. Debi says

    Thanks Dana! I made it tonight and it was wonderful……….I used arrowroot in place of the tapioca flour, used honey to proof the yeast and only added 1 tsp. sugar. My dough seemed a little too wet so I added more of the rice flours until I got the right consistency. (I may have put too much water in thinking back) Will be making tomorrow for my gluten-free grandkids! Thanks again!

  10. Justin says

    just made this for the first time, my pizza came out kinda rubbery. But I also forgot to add xanthan gum :/ could that of affected it that much? Thank you

    • Bev says

      I have frozen GF pizza crusts before. Follow recipe, prebake as recommended, then remove from oven. Cool, wrap and freeze (I leave my crust on the pizza pan; you could transfer it to an aluminum pan, too)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Debi to answer your question, yes it does take that long to bake. The dough gets pretty moist from the oil/water so it needs to bake out that long or else it will be too chewy and stick to the pan. Hope that helps!

  11. Jessica says

    Since my doc just told me to go gluten-free, and I feel so much better there are only a couple things I miss. I look forward to trying this recipe!

    But may a suggest an edit? You wrote: ‘ So John and I joined she..’ That ‘she’ on the end should be ‘her’. I’d love it if it were changed.

  12. Brad says

    I made this recipe tonight. I adjusted a few things as the dough seemed a bit flat tasting. I added 2 tablespoons of additional sugar, 1/4 cup of butter, and 2 tablespoons of almond flour (all w/out adding any more calories) The pre-baking really helps. It is the best pizza dough recipe I’ve used, and I’ve tried about 10 different ones.


  13. Autumn says

    I made this for lunch today. Before I learned I had to go gluten free, I made the best pizza crust ever, so I was searching for a gf version. This was my first gluten free pizza. This had a really good flavor, however it was so tough and chewy that it hurt my teeth…

  14. Sonya says

    My son is allergic to Rice and corn. I know I can substitute the brown rice flour for oat flour but is it a 1:1 and what would you recommend for the white rice flour?


  15. Chris says

    This IS the best GF pizza crust recipe.
    My only alteration was I used my own favorite flour mix brand.
    This pizza crust tastes like the real deal..the texture as well.
    Hallelujah!!! My son and I can finally enjoy pizza again!!

  16. Lindsay says

    Has anyone tried to freeze this recipe before cooking? (Like as a dough). Just wondering if it would still work out? Thanks!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Lindsay, some other commenters have had success freezing this dough after par-baking for 20-25 minutes.

  17. Candace says

    I’m Allergic To Rice. Can I Sub The Flours Here For Bobs RedMiLl All Purpose Gf Flour? I’m Desperate For Pizza. Its Been A Long Time!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      I normally would recommend Bob’s Red Mill because I’m a big fan of their products, however their GF flour is heavy on garbanzo bean flour and will leave it tasting beany. Perhaps try subbing another GF flour, such as oat or buckwheat? Sorry I couldn’t be of more help as rice is the main flour…

  18. Mitch says

    Made this last night for the first time. It totally exceeded my expectations. Awesome Crust! Definitely Adding this to my arsenal of GF recipes I am just starting to build up. Looking forward to running through the rest of your recipe box for more great ideas and recipes. Keep them coming!

  19. Sandy says

    I used King Arthur Gluten free flour and the crust turned out great! I also forgot xanthum gum but it was still good. Next time I am going to try using honey instead of sugar. It even smelled great as it was baking. Thanks for a great recipe.

  20. Sarah says

    This was my first time making a GF pizza crust and this recipe was so good! We all enjoyed it much more than the traditional wheat crust I use to make. I really didn’t want mess with the premade pizza mixes since not having much success with GF baking, but now I won’t touch them! Thank you so much for sharing!

  21. Chopper1202 says

    By far the BEST gf dough ever!! My non-gf boyfriend and friends actually ask me to make this over traditional crust. Make a mean version with garlic butter instead of sauce, Italian sausage, sliced red bell pepper and red onion, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes, fresh mozzarella and grated parm. Frickin delicious!!!! Thanks for the recipe!!

  22. Danielle says

    My husband and I both have had to go gluten free recently. As pizza was a weekly staple in our house, it has been really hard to go without :-( especially on those nights no one wants to cook. We found a local pizza place (Donato’s Pizza) sold a “take and bake” gluten free pizza; it was ok. We made your dough today and it was delicious! We used rice flour, corn flour and tapioca flour. It reminded us of our favorite pizza place’s crust! Thanks again for the SIMPLE recipe. So many gluten recipes have a million ingredients and crazy obscure ingredients. yum.

  23. Rei says

    The taste on this crust is AWESOME. My non-GF husband approves. But it came out drier than either of us would have liked.

    Now, I DID forget the xanthan gum…maybe this kept the crust from expanding and staying more moist in the middle. Next round I will remember the xanthan gum but ALSO reduce the pre-bake time (I did a full 30 minutes) and brush the crust with olive oil before putting on the toppings.

    Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how good it tastes. For all I can remember, you wouldn’t be able to tell it is gluten free by the flavor.

  24. PE says

    As a personal experiment, I went meat free (except some fish like salmon), casein free (dairy) and gluten free about 3 months ago. I used your recipe as a guideline and went with 1 cup glutinous white rice flour, 1 cup tapioca flour, 1 cup quinoa flour (since we had a big bag of it). I sprinkled garlic powder into the dough. I also used your pizza sauce recommendation. I used mushrooms & green peppers and as far as cheese, I only used sprinklings of parmesan cheese on my half (ok, so, I’m not 100% casein free… my wife’s half had regular pizza cheese).

    Overall, I really like both the crust and the sauce. It didn’t crack and fall apart like a cracker when cutting or eating. It was quite pliable. Very nice. Really liked the sauce recipe… simple yet tasty.
    I intended to experiment by adding some fish sauce to the tomato paste, but, forgot.

    Anyways, overall, I really like it. Thank You!

    Given how great I feel along with body weight dropping (from 195lbs to 168lbs currently), I’m sticking with my new eating habits.

  25. Donna says

    Man, bring on the pizza for the wheat and gluten free amongst us! I made this tonight and now I have pizza I can enjoy with no disappointments. Thank you for sharing a great recipe.

  26. Cheralyn says

    Hi, I’m excited to try this recipe as both my husband and daughter have recently been diagnosed with celiac disease (so we all eat gf at home) – and pizza is our fav meal. I’ve tried a few gluten free recipes and the dough always seems quite wet – I think due to our high humidity here in Australia. Any suggestions how to cope before I attempt this? Would adding more flour be all that I have to do? Thanks.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi Cheralyn, it is more of a wet dough and the long bake time compensates for that. But you could try adding additional GF flour, if concerned!

  27. Suz says

    Hello, I tried your recipe and it worked great. I didn’t use the Xanthan or the extra two tablespoons of sugar in the crust and it still worked nicely! Good texture – easy to roll – and baking paper over the top works a treat to squash the dough out. I tried a few different ways to cook this as the cooking time is way too long for my oven (on ‘fan bake’ setting…). I flattened the crust out quite thin and found that it cooked great with the topping on for about 15 minutes in a fan bake oven (without needing to pre cook the base). Have also pre cooked another base and stored in the freezer for later. Anyway, thanks!! My mum is gluten free and I wanted to try this for her :)

  28. Matt says

    I used Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free. My dough turned out looking like pancake batter. I followed all the steps and this is my first time making dough. Was I supposed to proof it first or something? Otherwise it tastes great. This was also my first try making dough. Thanks ;)

  29. Joyce says

    This gluten free pizza crust had a very good flavor but my crust was tough and I could barely cut it. I am wondering if I spread it out too thin and then cooked it too long for a thin crust. What did I do wrong?

    • Sandra R says

      Same thing happened to me – was so happy to read all the positive comments and thought finally FINALLY I’ve found the perfect pizza base for my gluten and dairy free son to enjoy but I thought he was going to break a tooth on this – ended up throwing it away. Made it exactly to the recipe – same flour mix etc. SOOOO disappointed. What could Joyce and I have done wrong?

      • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

        Sandra, it’s so hard to say! So many people have had success with this recipe that it’s hard to say. Perhaps it had to do with the brand or freshness of the flours you used? Did you bake it a bit too long? Also, I found that a pizza stone will make it crispier, but a metal pan will keep it softer. Hope that helps in some way!

        • Sandra R says

          Well I made this again – did everything exactly the same except reduced the length of time of the first bake to 10 minutes and it worked perfectly! Must be my oven. So I’m taking back my one star rating and giving it a five. Thanks Dana!

  30. Michelle says

    I used bob’s red mill flour blend since I am out of rice flours right now, I think I counted wrong when I was putting the flour in because it was a VERY wet mess I ended up adding another cup of flour to make it form a ball of sorts. It seemed to bake well but it seemed really dark after the pre bake time was up and the dough had lots of cracks. The pizza looked so good as I pulled it out of the oven. The taste was great but it was extremely dry. I will for sure make it again though with the rice and tapioca flours – that will probably make a big difference in how well it absorbs the liquid and how moist the final product is.

  31. Tol says

    We just tried recipe today with my family and it came out great. Best GF pizza I have ever had. I have been really missing decent pizza and this passed up “decent” by a mile. My sister who is not GF also enjoyed it. Followed the recipe exactly for tonight, but may add some spice into the dough next time, like oregano.

  32. Tara Seguin says

    I’ve made this three times (with a store-bought GF blend) in the last seven weeks – finally we have a from-scratch pizza on the post-gluten rotation! It’s a life saver. :-)

  33. Meg says

    Decided to make this at the last minute tonight, but had everything but the white rice flour so I used chick pea flour instead. It was delicious and rustic because of the texture of the chick pea flour. But anxious to try it with white rice flour as well. We too have had “pizza night” every Friday for years but when I discovered I was gluten intolerant 2 years ago I have been using a frozen GF crust. It was so nice to be making homemade pizza again, and my non GF husband LOVED it. Double score :-). Thanks!

  34. Nicole says

    Thank you very much for sharing this recipe. It came out just perfect, and my kids are gobbling it up as I write. So easy to make and tasty!

  35. Elena says

    The pizza crusts are so expensive at the store. I have just discovered Chebe cheese bread and have made that in pizza crust form. I was good. I came across this pizza crust recipe and decided to try it tonight. I did follow it exactly and the dough was great to spread in the pizza pan. I put on a glove and coated it with olive oil then spread the dough easily. The crust came out a good consistency and crispy on the edges. Very nice pizza dough consistency. I think next time I will add shredded cheese to the dough and see what happens. Thanks it was very good.

  36. AJ says

    I’ve tried to google arrowroot vs tapioca and the resulting articles didn’t give me much info. I typically use arrowroot. Any advice here? I can pick up tapioca starch at the store today if that is recommended…but I have a bulk supply of arrowroot at the present!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hi AJ, we haven’t tried this recipe with arrowroot, but a couple other readers have done so with success.

  37. AJ says

    My three year old has severe food allergies. I cannot wait to try this…thank you for this lovely post! We will try this soon!

  38. Tara Graham says

    Made this last weekend and it was AMAZING! It was my first attempt at Gluten/Egg Free crust and I will make it again for sure!

  39. Dorothy says

    Thank you! I have tried many different wheat free pizza crust mixes and recipes, and yours is by far the BEST. It actually formed a DOUGH ball and spread quite nicely. My son is 5 and allergic to wheat and egg and dairy (and so many other things) and many wheat free crusts calls for eggs (or sometimes milk!). We’ll be making this again!

  40. Christi says

    I did make flour substitutions but the crust is still delicious. Way better than any of the almond meal ones I have tried and far better than the box mix I had been using.

    Next one I will not mess with your recipe. ;)

  41. Maria Trader says

    Made this tonight and it is the best gf pizza dough I’ve tried yet! Thumbs up from the whole family, thank you :)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hmm, it may have just been that you needed to bake it longer. Also, did you make any ingredient substitutions? That flour blend is the one I recommend using for best flavor/texture.

  42. Alison says

    Oh my goodness! After learning my daughter was gluten intolerant 4 years ago, I have continued to search for a likable pizza crust. Friday night is pizza night at our house and though we sometimes have pizza delivered, it is more fun to make it. Last week I tried a new crust recipe that caused my 6 year old daughter to eat most of it before asking if it had gluten in it because it was actually nasty! I found this recipe. I love that you don’t use a premix flour. This was fantastic! My husband said it was the first time (in 4 years) that he loved pizza night! Yippeeee! Thank you much.

  43. Deedee says

    hi there, I am going to try to make this in the next couple of days, and I could find everything except brown rice flour, could I just use 2 cups of white rice flour? or something that’s readily available, please? thanks so much

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Deedee, I think that will work but no guarantees as the two have different textures and tastes. But give it a try and let me know how it goes!!

  44. Janelle says

    I made this recipe tonight and it really is the best gluten free pizza I have ever made or eaten! Thank you so much for this easy to use recipe. It was helpful to be able to refer to the pictures. I like that there is a printable version, too.

  45. Rachel R. says

    I can’t comment on the crust yet, as I haven’t tried it yet. (And, actually, am more likely to try doing the same thing with our own family favorite recipe first.)

    But I had to comment to say what a blessing I’m sure you are to Laura! Friends who will honor the allergies – and still eat together with you – are gems. That must have made the transition easier!

  46. Kristin says

    I *JUST* pulled this out of the oven and almost fell over. This is good. Incredibly good. I’m gluten-free-ish by choice so don’t have the stock of suggested flours. I used Bob’s Red Mill gluten free blend. I also futz with recipes on the first go so instead of xanthan gum I threw in ground flaxseed, added a bit more oil and a touch of butter and substituted honey for sugar. This crust beats out every glutinous crust I’ve ever tried to make. Thanks so much!

  47. Sarah says

    We will have to try this recipe tonight! I have been buying Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Pizza Dough mix but it’s not organic. It’s nearly impossible to find flour mixes that are both GF and organic. I don’t want to substitute organic and non-GMO for GF. I’m hoping this is as awesome as you all say!!!

  48. Jenifer says

    what brand of pepperoni are you using that is gluten-free?
    I’m having a really hard time finding pepperoni for my DS with allergies (which includes gluten & corn.)
    Can’t wait to try the recipe.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Hmm, it’s just the generic brand at our Kroger store. If you still have trouble finding it, I’d recommend going to an organic/whole foods market. You should be able to find quality pepperoni there. Hope that helps1

    • Tegan says

      Hi, Actually I noticed that you didn’t state that both the cheese and the meat were gluten free. Wheat is typically included as a filler in most processed foods like salami, ham and cheese to name a few. I don’t know if this will help, but in Australia at Woolworths most of the deli food is NOT gluten free. If you are looking for gluten free products it’s best to look at the sliced meats aisle. They typically state if they are gluten free or not. Brands like Kraft or Liddell’s(state on the packet gluten and lactose free) are the best for cheese, but check their website first to make sure in your country. With regard to cheese, anything that is individually sliced is really bad as they coat it in flour to make it not stick to the wrapping. I use Don for sliced meat, they usually have a wide range including ham, chicken, etc. The salami will usually state if it is gluten free. They are slightly more expensive, but worth the peace of mind. Thankyou for the pizza ideas. My husband and I often make homemade pizza’s since the shop bought ones taste’s bad. We make up the dough, then grab an egg (I think egg replacement should work for those who can’t eat it) and a small amount of milk, and spread it over the top of the pizza base first, place it in the oven for 5 minutes, THEN we add the toppings, and then bake – 5 minutes cooking time. The inside becomes fluffy, the ingredients don’t dry out so much and the crust is still really crunchy. Hope this helps.

  49. Kristin says

    I’ve just made this pizza and it really is the best ever. I’ve missed pizza so much and the ones I’ve tried before have been rubbish and usually quite spongy made from weird, elaborate recipes. I was a little intrigued that the dough didn’t have to rise before, but it didn’t taste of yeast at all, it was just delicious. The only thing I did was use a teaspoon of yeast instead of a tablespoon since it says on the packet of the yeast I use 1 tsp for every 500 grams, maybe you have different yeast in America or something (I’m in the UK), anyways, it worked to a tee. Thanks so much for this recipe, I’ll be using it alot!!

  50. Victoria Jessian says

    Hi I’m 11 yrs old and since I was born I have been diagnosed with Coelaic Disease. It’s been hard getting proper pizza and this is something I will try out epically because this has no egg and I am a pure veggie- courtesy of my religion- this means I can’t eat fish, meat or egg plus my allergy thrown on top!!!!

    Well I hope you can reply to this post. Try not to email me as my email is a little dodgy.

    Bye thanks for your help.

  51. victoria says

    My bubby cant havw gluten but the rest of us can so last night i made one gf pizza and one regular. Everyone loved it! Thanks!

  52. Anna says

    This was amazing! The dough puffed up so nicely and it smelled like… normal pizza! Thank you so much for this recipe! New family favorite!

    “That’s the best pizza I’ve ever had” ~ My Mother :)


  53. Rosie says

    This really is the BEST gluten free pizza dough EVER! Thank you so much!

    I did have to make a few substitutions based on what I had / didn’t have; I used melted butter instead of oil, and my dough mix was a blend of rice flour and gluten free baking mix.

    Again, THANK YOU!!!

  54. kourtni says

    Not kidding. I barely even chewed this it was so good! Paired with beet pesto from Dishing Up The Dirt’s Blog…this is to die for!

  55. Annabeth says

    Thanks for this! The first time I made it, I told my husband while putting it in the oven that I don’t even care how it tastes, because I’ve never had a dough come together so easily. I am a LAZY cook and this is a dream for simplicity.

    Of course, as it turns out, this is the best GF crust I’ve had. I might always dream about the pizzas of my childhood, but those risen and fluffy crusts simply aren’t possible with GF flour.

    I used the flour I mix ahead of time and keep around as a standard GF replacement. For anyone who is interested, the crust gets fine results with a flour made this way: 6 parts white rice flour, 2 parts potato starch, 1 part tapioca starch. (Plus the xanthan gum, I just keep it separate from my premixed flour.)

      • Colleen says

        I used raw honey instead. I also subbed out the flours with 2 cups GF All purpose flour and 1 cup almond flour/meal. I am new to Gluten-free baking and I really enjoyed it. Mine was a crunchy thin crust. I also added cheese and garlic powder to the the top of the extra dough and made garlic bread sticks. Yum!

  56. Katie says

    I had to leave a comment to tell you this is the best pizza crust I’ve ever made since being diagnosed with Celiac 6 years ago! I’ve had some delicious GF pizzas from restaurants in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Rome, but have never been able to re-create that taste at home. I did tonight with this crust! Thanks for an awesome and super easy recipe!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Katie, love to hear it! Thanks for sharing your experience with this crust – it’s truly one of my faves.

      • daniella says

        I also have arrowroot flour. Would that be a better sub than potato flour? Haven’t got any tapioca at the moment.
        Could I also use Nutritional Yeast Flakes instead of instant dry yeast?

        • tracy says

          I wouldn’t try potato flour, but maybe sub the tapioca for potato starch, which are two very different animals! The potato flour is likely to make your dough like a brick. I don’t keep white rice flour in the house, so I like to make this crust with garbanzo flour, brown rice flour and tapioca starch, plus guar gum to cater to my corn sensitivity. Last night I was short on tapioca and tried half arrowroot and half tapioca. It ended up runny and brownbrowned too quickly.

          • tracy says

            Sorry… the comment editor was acting up! The result was still tasty, but was my least favorite iteration of this usually delightful crust. I personally think the tapioca is crucial!

  57. Sarah (appifanie) says

    I’ve been using rice/tapioca as my mix lately and it works so well for everything! Trying this recipe tonight. (Side note, love the guestbook font!!)

  58. Niamh says

    hi there, just had to leave a comment. Made your pizza last night for my husband who had to go gluten free this year. He loved it, I had enough dough to make two fairly big pizzas so he took one for his lunch today. Hes delighted with himself. :) I cant thank you enough.

  59. Sarah says

    This is the BEST pizza crust – gluten free or not. I was diagnosed with an allergy to dairy last year and my boyfriend was great about cooking dairy free for me. When he was recently diagnosed with a gluten allergy – I decided to return the favor. He was overjoyed when he took a bite of this pizza crust and realized he wouldn’t have to sacrifice one of his favorite foods! I found this recipe about 1 month ago and I’m making it for the 4th time tonight. So I finally had to leave a comment since the other comments are what swayed me to give this a shot. The directions are foolproof and the crust is seriously amazing!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

  60. Misty says

    My dough had a great flavor but it didn’t rise so it was gooey! Help! Any advice? I want to try this again!

    • h7opolo says

      Misty, the dough will never rise due to lack of gluten for yeast to feed on. I’m not so sure yeast is even required since yeast is only necessary to make dough rise, which will not occur due to gluten-free flour. If the dough is too gooey, add some more flour until it has the consistency you desire.

        • Kim Cates says

          I am only wheat sensitive and I use splet flour and it’s awesome, but do u go ahead and add all the above ingredients and then splet instead of the gf flour? Thank you

    • Zoa says

      Hi, Misty! It sounds to me your yeast was old or the water you used to activate it was either too hot or too cold. A few things you need to know when using yeast you may not know: First your yeast needs to be fresh and alive. To ensure yeasts’ freshness, first make sure it’s within the “best if used by” date printed somewhere on the package. Also, when you have it at home, especially if you rarely use yeast in your cooking, it MUST be stored in the fridge! Otherwise, the yeast will become ineffective much sooner. Second, the water used to activate the yeast must be no hotter than 110 degrees Fahrenheit. It can’t be much cooler than that either, or your yeast may not activate very much or at all. When I prep yeast, I use a kitchen thermometer to test the water temp before I add my yeast so I’m sure the water is just right. The other important thing to know is that yeast feeds on sugars! It never has and never will feed on gluten. So that’s why the recipe states to let the yeast sit in the warm water for about 3 minutes THEN add SUGAR and stir it, then let it stand while you finish prepping your dry ingredients. These things are important, or your dough will never rise. Anyhow, hope this helps!

  61. Molly says

    I made this pizza crust and have to say that it was some of the best I have had in a long, long time. So excited to have a good crust alternative! I mixed an extra batch of the flours with salt, baking powder, and extra sugar, so all I have to do is add the proofed yeast and olive oil and I have my dough. I will try the approach of brushing with olive oil next time. So easy and so delicious! The family members who can eat gluten even said it was delicious! Thank you so much for sharing!! You are my hero. :)

  62. Brittany says

    The crust was horrible! It crumbled like crazy and tasted like cardboard. I wouldn’t suggest this to anyone!

      • Sarah says

        Tried again. It was better, but lacked flavor and didn’t rise very much. I wonder if I’m doing something wrong, although it looks like the crust in the pictures.

    • FODMAP Restricted says

      I also found this crumbly. I am baking it now and will see the end result, although at this point it does not look promising.

      • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

        Hi there, did you use the homemade gluten-free flour blend mentioned in the recipe? If not, that’s likely the issue!

  63. Veronica says

    I just want to thank you for posting this! I’ve been using premixed doughs and i always found something missing with the texture, as well as taste. As a Northerner who grew up eating the best NY pies, it hit me hard when i had to stop eating gluten and give up things i loved most. But THIS recipe not only tastes amazing, but also allows me to FOLD my pizza. Any true New York pizza lover can agree with me when i say that part is essential to good pizza!!! Also, i omitted the xantham gum and substituted the baking powder with 1/2 tsp cream of tartar and 1/4 baking soda (so as to make it corn free as well) and it turned out wonderfully!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

  64. astro says

    Thanks so much for such a quick, simple and forgiving gluten-free vegan pizza crust recipe! Gluten-free breads can be so unforgiving (and complicated, bland and crumbly)…not this one. I literally just used whatever was leftover in my pantry and fridge.

    I didn’t have the brown rice flours, so I used a combination of millet flour and gluten-free oat flour. I made a few mistakes (my fault) by throwing the yeast on top of the flours…so I scooped it out into a different bowl (couldn’t avoid scooping some of the flour) and then added ALL the water (rather than 3/4 a cup). Despite those mistakes, the yeast successfully activated, the dough was easy to work with and the finished crust was SOOO fluffy and most importantly DELICIOUS!

    I brushed it with olive oil, topped with garlic, onion, spinach, and fresh cashew cheese (cashews, garlic, nutritional yeast, salt, water). My boyfriend (who can eat gluten) ate half the pizza and said, “THAT’S BREAD!”

    Thanks! 5 stars!

    • christine says

      I respond well to millet and GF oat flour. Can you tell me what proportion of these flours you used? (i.e. 1 cup millet + 1 cup oat flour + did you still add 1 cup of tapioca flour and 3/4 teaspoon zan gum?) Or did you omit the tapioca etc….??

      Looking forward to trying this.

  65. Bridgette says

    Soooo good. My boyfriend has IBS, and can’t eat wheat. All of the comments persuaded me to give this a go. We were not disappointed. Thank you!!

  66. Edna says

    Our entire family is going gluten free for the sake of our autistic son, adhd son, add daughter, son with allergies, daughter with asthma, son with digestive problems. We have been trying so many gluten free recipes lately and found them all to be failures. SO HAPPY that this was a success. The family loved it!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing. By the way, our family has a tradition of making homemade pizza every Sunday night as well. So glad to be able to continue this.

  67. Caitlin says

    I had tried to switch my old glutenful, favourite pizza dough recipe into a gluten free version that ended in a pretty disappointing fail. I was so happy that Laura’s mom’s recipe translated so much better than mine did! I made it for the first time last night, and, as someone else mentioned, I had a bit of a thicker crust in the middle that ended up being a bit mushy, but with slight tweaking (really just making it evenly thin, and also pre-baking the full 30 min to help dry it out), I think this recipe will become a staple in our kitchen as well! I made it exactly as the recipe called for, the flour blend is pretty basic and I had all the ingredients on hand. Thanks for posting, and thanks to Laura’s mom! I loved her comment as well :)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Caitlin! I love to hear this (and so does Laura, as it’s been a recipe that’s helped her cope with going g-free much better). Yes, the crust is a little bit finicky with thickness and doneness but once you try it two or three times you’ll definitely perfect it! Thanks for sharing your experience with it and I hope it does become a staple in your kitchen. Best! Dana :D

  68. Angela says

    I love your crust! It was so simple to make and even new to gluten free husband (who is a very picky eater) approved! I have tried several other pizza crust recipes, but this tops them all. Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to try making it again soon and doing the first bake, then cooling and freezing the crust. This way I can pull from the freezer on a busy school night and thaw, top and bake. Yum!

  69. Bill says

    Just have to confirm that this is the best gluten free pizza crust! My wife eats gf, while I don’t. So usually I’m just tolerating gf pizza crusts, but this one was really really good! Definitely our go-to crust from now on. Thanks!

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Yay!!! My friend Laura just asked the other day how people were liking the crust recipe and I’m always happy to report that more positive feedback is pouring in. Glad this worked so well for you! I’m not G-Free myself and even I love this crust over others!

      • Atara says

        Being new to gluten-free, I found way too many things that just taste yucky.
        I made this last night, using 2 cups of Red Mill, 1/2 cup of tapioca and 1/2 cup brown rice flour. I added the recommended 3/4 tsp xantham gum.
        It came out really nice! I was worried about the prebake, that it might dry out, yet it stayed moist and flexible.
        My toppings buried any hidden flavors in the dough. It was great, and we will definitely make it again!

  70. John says

    This was the first time I ever made a pizza crust from scratch. It was very tasty. However, it was a little thick in the middle for a crunchy crust. Next time I am going to get a roller to roll it thinner in the center and maybe put more sauce. Practice makes perfect.Thank you for your recipe. No more driving out of my way and more paying big $$$ for lackluster frozen gluten free crusts at the gluten free store.

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Love to hear it! It’s not a “perfect crust” the first time around – you definitely have to give it a second and third try to get it to your liking. But as far as flavor and texture goes, it’s my absolute favorite! AND so much cheaper and better than takeout. Glad you liked it! :D

  71. Sarah S. says

    Just made this! I used Bob’s red mill all-purpose GF mix and it turned out wonderfully. The whole family loved it. Thanks for such a simple and delicious recipe! We’ll definitely be repeating it :)

  72. Phô mai que says

    I love your pizza. They look so yummy! I’ll try to make it for my family some time. Thanks for the recipe!

  73. Gwen says

    Hi! Can a pre-mixed gf flour be used (I usually use Bob’s Red Mill). Or does it specifically need to be the blend you use?


    • jds says

      I use brown rice flour in the same proportion mentioned and substitute the sundry flours with bobs redmill gluten free flour since it already has most of those sundry flours within it. it makes things easier to use a pre_blended flour.

    • Laura says

      Eeech. I find Bob’s Red Mill all purpose g-f mix to have a weird flavor. It seems to mostly dissipate with baking, but not completely (to me). I’d take a home-blended mix any day, but I’m glad to have their mix for emergencies. :)

      • Sonya says

        To Laura – agreed! I find Bob’s all-purpose gf flour mix to have a bitter aftertaste. I started making my own using the guidelines from this site and so far it’s been my fav – no strange aftertaste, can’t tell difference from non-gf flours aside from it maybe being a little more crumbly when baking muffins. I’m going to try it tonight with this recipe. However, I will try the one Dana recommends in this recipe sometime to compare, as well.

        • ND-girl says

’s the garbanzo bean that leaves after taste. I don’t care for the Bob’s Red Mill All-Purpose Flour, due to that reason.

          • Stacie says

            I agree about Bob’s Red Mill! The garbanzo bean is way too overpowering. Especially when I would try to make pancakes.. ech. Has anyone tried this pizza crust recipe with Pamela’s? Sometimes it has a sweetened taste to it but I was just curious. I’m trying this recipe as soon as possible!

      • Linda says

        So glad to see this comment– I thought I was just imagining Bob’s Red Mill’s weird taste! I have a wonderful muffin recipe I adapted for my wheat-free diet (due to allergy), but it took switching from Bob’s to King Arthur AP GF flour to get it really delicious! Thanks so much!

      • Heather says

        Laura, I completely agree with you about the flavor or aftertaste left with Bob’s Red Mill gluten free all-purpose flour mix. To me, I find it to be somewhat of a metallic taste. I have had wonderful results with Betty Crocker all-purpose gluten free Rice Flour Blend and Betty Crocker Bisquick! I have made cakes, pie crusts, dumplings, biscuits, pancakes, gravies, etc, all that my family and I have loved and no strange taste. Most people haven’t been able to tell the difference! I love trying new gluten free recipes to find what’s easiest and has the best taste and texture.

        • Amanda B. says

          Heather, have you used the BC GF rice flour blend for pizza crust? I want to try it but don’t know how much of everything to use.

  74. Jenny @ BAKE says

    I love the gif! this pizza crust looks amazing I’m glad your friend found a recipe she likes!

  75. Maria Trader says

    We’ve recently discovered my son has a lot of food allergies and pizza is one of those things I haven’t been able to get right yet. I’ll be trying this tonight, thanks!

  76. Michelle @ Michelle's tiny kitchen says

    I haven’t tried any gluten-free baking yet. My sister-in-law is GF, and I’d like to start getting some good recipes under my belt for her. This one looks lovely, and the ingredients list is mercifully short. Thanks for sharing!

  77. Shelly says

    Hi there! This is Laura’s mom :-)
    Love this recipe and I still use it all the time and am learning the gluten free alterations so I am glad to get Laura’s version.
    I hope many others enjoy it as well.
    How fun to see the traditions carried on… the gluten free is important, but the most important thing is the time spent together each week!! Love family nights, love my family… and we adopt and love you two as well ;-)

    • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerDana @ Minimalist Baker says

      Love this comment, Shelly! Thanks for saying hi. Here’s to many more pizza gatherings to come.

    • Tiffany says

      Does anyone know if the GF flour blend is like an all purpose flour? I just recently found out my 4 year old has to eat GF and I would like to know the cheapest (and tastiest) all purpose flour blend to use when cooking for her.

          • Sandra says

            There is also a really good GF all-purpose flour (that I use in anything that calls for regular flour), and it’s called Bob’s Red Mill It’s not dirt cheap, but it is affordable. For yeast breads you may want to add about a 1/2 tsp of xanthan gum per cup of flour, and once once the GF yeast bread rises the first time do not punch it down, (they won’t rise again!). I hope your baby gets all better with his new foods!

        • Janalyn says

          There are two types of tapioca flour- one is “sweet” and one is the more bitter version. Which should we be using here?


          • Avatar for Dana @ Minimalist BakerSupport @ Minimalist Baker says

            Hi Janalyn! I believe it’s just plain white rice flour that we used in this recipe! Hope this helps!

      • GF me says

        Pillsbury makes a GF all purpose flour that tastes great and measured out cup for cup as regular flour. Makes a great crispy tempura batter for Chinese style food too!!!
        •1 cup GF flour
        •1 cup ice cold water
        •1 egg
        Beat egg till whites and yolk are barely incorporated in mixing bowl, add ice cold water, add GF flour then mix all together (preferably w/ chopsticks or fork).USE IMMEDIATELY FOR BEST TASTE.

    • Katie says

      Loved this gluten free crust! I’ve been GF for about 6 years and this is by far the best pizza I’ve eaten in that time! Thanks for sharing!

  78. Mimi @ Culinary Couture says

    By the looks of it, I’m definitely going to end up preferring this over my gluten-full pizzas!

  79. Kiran @ says

    Need to try gluten-free baking soon. And this is a great recipe for that, thanks for sharing :)

    • Rita says

      I’m about to go gluten free, due to dietary issues that might be due to it. Trying to get all egg out of my system first because I also have an egg sensitivity (but not so much to prevent getting a flu shot, so I’m waiting until the egg from that is out of my system!

    • KR says

      I ran across one that does not use yeast and it did not work, maybe for AP flour but did not require eggs or other blends, does anyone know how ? Sorry I used your comment section.

      • Tara says

        I too am looking for that pizza crust with NO yeast. Can this recipe be modified to fit this? Can the minimalist baker help with their super cooking powers on this one?

        • Seraphim says


          You can replace the gluten free flour and yeast with a cashew meal or an almond meal. These both are yeast free, and all you need to add is an egg or two, water, salt, coconut sugar (optional), and a coconut or olive oil to base the pan your using to bake in. I usually bake the crust first til it’s a little before done then add the toppings and let it all bake together. The whole process usually takes about an hour or so.

        • Mel says

          Try a simple cheese crust. It is simply 4 cups cheese (3 mozz and 1 ched/jack), 4 eggs and seasonings. Pat into a greased pan (I like to use a cookie sheet with sides). Bake at 425 for 10-15 min, top and bake again for 7-10 min.

        • Lizzie says

          I can’t see the point of yeast in this recipe as it is not left to rise. It must be just for taste. You could probably leave it out.

          • Elaine says

            Late reply but, the yeast for pizza dough does not need the long rising time that bread does; with gluten based doughs with a similar amount of yeast, a 10 min rest is sufficient. That being said, that is more to allow the gluten a chance to rest as it would be tougher without that time. Gluten free flours mitigate that issue a bit

        • Cindy says

          Somewhere in my travels I made a crust out of pure whipped sweet potato. It was fabulous! I’m sure if you google it you will find a recipe. Tonight I am using the yeast crust recipe and topping it with whipped buttercup squash, broccolini, white beans, onion, salt and pepper, maybe some kelp flakes too. Can’t wait! Enjoy! Hope I’ve helped or even inspired you!

        • Wasana says

          I actually tried this recipe but didn’t have any yeast. I used the Namaste perfect flour blend and decided since I didn’t have yeast I would aim for extra crispy style by adding two egg whites. The first pizza I made, I didn’t make thin enough. The inside didn’t cook all the way, it was somewhat gummy but still good. The second pizza came out PERFECT! I love pizza. I use to be a pan crust lover but discovered after 20 years I prefer extra crispy. Even before going gluten free, it was hard to find a perfectly crispy pizza. Way to go!

          • Deb says

            I also used Namaste flour blend, but did use yeast. It did not get crisp and was a little gummy. I thought I got it thin enough, but maybe not. It was just ok. I am going to try it again and go for thinner and maybe pre-bake it longer.

      • Chandra says

        Elana’s Pantry has a great almond pizza crust but it has eggs, I think you could try adding the egg substitute if your egg free. This recipie sounds great only I can’t do sugar so the yeast sugar things no good for me. I’ll stick to the Almond flour Elana’s crust! We do love pizza! I also need to get one of those pizza pans those are cool!

    • Martin says

      Not sure if anyone has actually tried this recipe. I just did. maybe our measurements are different. I live in Canada, don’t know what country this recipe came from but I definitely should have researched it before I wasted my time with it.
      Your mixture of all measured ingredients turns into a powder of nothing but wasted materials and time.
      The only thing this recipe will satisfy is the weight of your hungry garbage can.
      Avoid at all costs!

      • Mister Smith says

        I also live in Canada and just tried this for the first time with Canadian ingredients and measurements. It worked flawlessly! I have struggled to find a good gluten-free, vegan pizza crust. This one is perfect. It produces a tasty slice that is crispy on the bottom, soft on the inside, and holds together well when picking up the slices.

        I made two slight alterations: I didn’t have white rice flour, so I used 1/2 cup of chickpea flour and 1/2 cup of millet flour. I also had to sprinkle in a little bit of extra brown rice flour (perhaps 2 tbsp) at the end to dry it out a tiny bit. Other than that, I followed the steps exactly as indicated in the recipe.

        • Nancy D. says

          Just wanted to add my experience: this recipe is the bomb-dot-com. It more than appeased my gfree self and my gfree 14, 12 and 8 year old. I used Namaste flour blend in place of the individual flours (it contains the same ones), and actually had fun proofing yeast and all that jazz. I’m noshing on this pizza freh outta my Montreal kitchen, so the Canada theory doesn’t really pan out.. It’s a fairly simple recipe so the idea of it not working out lies most likely in the prep or ingredient quality. All that to say, thank you for the recipe! It’ll be my Friday-pizza-night staple from here on out!

        • Jake says

          Millet actually contains a Glutinous protein in it called Panicin. Most people aren’t aware but there are several classes of glutinous proteins called prolamines. You will find them in wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, rye, millet, oats, teff, and rice. Rice is the only one listed that contains less than 5ppm, which is the acceptable amount for people with gluten allergies or intolerance as stated by

          • craig says

            This post is misleading. The Celiac Foundation states gluten less than 20ppm is safe for celiac. For food to be certified gluten free by the Celiac Foundation it only needs to be less than 20ppm

          • craig says

            Just to clarify, my comment was intended for the gentlemen who was including millet and other “gluten free” grains.

          • R Peterson says

            Jake, don’t mistake glutin for gluten. “Glutinous” (with an “i”) simply means sticky or gluey. Gluten (with an “e”) refers to the problematic proteins in wheat, rye, and barley only.

      • Madeline says

        Hi there, I’m also Canadian but I don’t think that has anything to do with the results of your attempt. The measurements worked perfectly for me, the only problem was I needed to make more! Perhaps you missed a step or added too much flour.

      • Tia says

        What happened to your dough? Was it thick? Runny? Did you use Sweet White Rice Flour or White Rice Flour. Also, do you weigh your ingredients or use the simple measuring cup method? I have read and have learned through experience that it is better to weigh your ingredients when using gluten free flours, etc. this has made a big difference in my GF recipes coming out successful as opposed to flops and disappointing disasters.
        My crust came out “okay” and I realized that I forgot to add the xanthan gum. I think next time will be a complete success once I remember the xanthan gum. ;)

      • Mike says

        Hey, I also live in Canada and I just tried this recipe. I had the same problem with the end result being just powder and wonder if it is because I did not let the yeast grow or if I killed it. Regardless, all I did was add in another few cups of water to make the dough.

        It tastes ok and will try doing the yeast activation correct next time and see if that works.


        • Alicia says

          Sorry, was directing my comments to the person who ‘trashed’ this fine recipe….gonna give this one a try, looks great, thanks for sharing!!!

      • TimG says

        I ran into a similar problem. I used Krusteaz Gluten Free Flour Blend. While the ingredients are similar. They are not the same and the proportions may be quite different. It made a very dry mix that I was able to form 2/3 into a crust. It is edible but not what I would call the best GF pizza recipe. I ate two pieces and through the rest away. It was like cardboard.
        I just looked for a recipe on the Krusteaz website and they use less flour and more liquid and yeast. As you said, the first time follow the recipe to a T. Thanks for the recipe, if I try again, I will use the GF flour blend just as you list.

      • Noddy says

        I always follow recipes by the book the first time I try them and if it doesn’t work out I’ll give it a second chance if I feel that it might be worth and make my own adjustments. This one worked out on the first try though and it was really yummy. I don’t know how much of a difference this might make but I always make sure my gf flours are at room temperature before I cook

      • Noddy says

        Hi there, is it possible to make this without so much (or any) sugar?

        I started to scroll through the comments but there are so many so I thought I’d ask. Sorry if it’s been asked before.

        Cheers xx

        • Abby says

          Hi, I believe the sugar is probably there to feed the yeast to make the crust rise, though gluten free recipes do not rise nearly as much as standard wheat flour. You could replace the sugar with honey or agave, but if you do not want any sweetener you will get slightly different results with another leavening combo like baking soda + an activating acidic element like lemon or apple cider vinegar. I’m obviously not the Minimalist Baker, but I hope this helps in some way.

      • KB says

        I live in Canada as well and have made this recipe many times with great success. We love it! But we’ve discovered that it works best if you cook it for about half the recommended times for both components.

        • Shunae says

          We used Namaste Perfect flour blend. I live in AZ so I used a little extra olive oil, some herbs, and a tad more water for a better consistency and baked it for shorter time. The whole family loved it! Four stars ****

      • Julia says

        Made this recipe as is in Canada with ingredients purchased in Canada with no issue. Results were delicious :)

        I made the gf flour as per the recipe rather than use my own and used cups not the scale and it was amazing

      • Alio says

        I too live in Canada and the addition of all ingredients makes a dough that is perfect in texture. You should try again, you must have missed something.
        Also please don’t throw food. If you don’t end up with the right texture, add some water or olive oil. Write it down and try baking it, you might end up with a good surprise…

      • Atara says

        I did try it as it says, but reduced the water. It is definitely worth trying again.
        It came out soft and flexible. Nice taste too!

    • Dill says

      Let yeast rise an extra 15 second and add a generous amount of creole and garlic&herb . The you have the best GF crust ever